Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Semiprime Numbers HumanoidCPU 15,413
Fizz Buzz dokutan 227
Tutorial gigaprofisi 330
Partition Numbers dokutan 🥇 623
Cubes MeWhenI 181
Partition Numbers MeWhenI 🥇 623
99 Bottles of Beer MeWhenI 293
Partition Numbers retrohun 🥉 659
Abundant Numbers (Long) dokutan 771
12 Days of Christmas dokutan 539
Pascal’s Triangle dokutan 639
Niven Numbers (Long) MeWhenI 6,149
Niven Numbers MeWhenI 🥇 84
Christmas Trees MeWhenI 239
Tic-tac-toe sean-niemann 🥉 46
Tic-tac-toe nwellnhof 🥉 46
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard nwellnhof 🥉 153
Tutorial targrik 73
Forsyth–Edwards Notation Shanethegamer 99
Tutorial GolfingSuccess 44
SI Units dokutan 1,030
Hilbert Curve dokutan 610
Tic-tac-toe stefangimmillaro 50
Tic-tac-toe canissimia 🥇 44
Tic-tac-toe retrohun 57
Tutorial dokutan 67
Tic-tac-toe saito-ta 🥇 44
Tutorial pardouin 45
Tutorial Natanaelel 45
Tic-tac-toe primo-ppcg 🥉 46
Tic-tac-toe dokutan 62
Tic-tac-toe ovs-code 48
Tic-tac-toe galloj 68
Tic-tac-toe pardouin 50
Tic-tac-toe rucin93 🥉 46
Highly Composite Numbers HumanoidCPU 452
Tutorial sisyphus-ppcg 30
Tic-tac-toe MeWhenI 56
Quine CaedenHarper 145
Tutorial saito-ta 30
Tic-tac-toe error256 58
Tic-tac-toe DialFrost 50
φ snoozingnewt 972
Catalan Numbers CaedenHarper 2,971
λ JunkIce 1,003
Kolakoski Constant JunkIce 1,003
Catalan’s Constant JunkIce 1,003
γ JunkIce 1,004
ROT13 galloj 108
Tutorial canissimia 30
Rijndael S-box CaedenHarper 783
𝑒 CaedenHarper 1,003
√2 CaedenHarper 1,003
φ CaedenHarper 1,003
τ CaedenHarper 1,003
π CaedenHarper 1,003
λ CaedenHarper 1,003
γ CaedenHarper 1,003
ln 2 CaedenHarper 1,003
Kolakoski Constant CaedenHarper 1,003
Factorial Factorisation CaedenHarper 862
Catalan’s Constant CaedenHarper 1,003
𝑒 madeforlosers 1,003
ROT13 saito-ta 85
United States dokutan 463
Odd Polyomino Tiling Shanethegamer 21,637
Card Number Validation retrohun 🥉 71
Hilbert Curve Shanethegamer 5,149
Apéry’s Constant HumanoidCPU 1,003
Partition Numbers HumanoidCPU 746
ROT13 dokutan 108
ROT13 retrohun 85
ROT13 DialFrost 🥇 84
ROT13 ovs-code 🥇 84
𝑒 Fishyfii 1,005