Recent Solutions

Arrows sean-niemann110
Morse Decoder namelessiw🥈 166
Hexdump acer-xq212
Hexdump rifatx266
Musical Chords acer-xq374
Fizz Buzz gpikmddk86
Reversi namelessiw💎 176
Reversi revlayle🥈 177
Gijswijt’s Sequence namelessiw109
Intersection namelessiw🥈 164
Game of Life tomh1012225
Transpose Sentence tomh1012🥈 128
SI Units namelessiw💎 554
Zeckendorf Representation namelessiw🥉 117
99 Bottles of Beer SrGalletaEXT332
Transpose Sentence namelessiw💎 103
Transpose Sentence MeWhenI🥉 129
Transpose Sentence Shanethegamer🥉 129
Transpose Sentence sean-niemann135
N Queens MostParsingVex184
Diamonds jazzcurio321
CSS Colors namelessiw228
24 Game Jacob38512,455
Christmas Trees samtc-lau165
Fizz Buzz samtc-lau120
Fibonacci rifatx93
Fibonacci dokutan54
N Queens namelessiw187
Christmas Trees SrGalletaEXT131
Abundant Numbers sean-niemann71
Evil Numbers jazzcurio76
Fizz Buzz SeWZC84
Zeckendorf Representation tomh1012227
Intersection rifatx270
Kolakoski Constant sean-niemann130
Jacobi Symbol namelessiw176
Kolakoski Sequence namelessiw79
Pascal’s Triangle namelessiw84
Look and Say rifatx145
Recamán namelessiw92
United States namelessiw163
ASCII Table rifatx169
Abundant Numbers (Long) rifatx84
Spelling Numbers rifatx615
Recamán sean-niemann91
Fizz Buzz b-illy🥇 80
Rijndael S-box rifatx257
Leyland Numbers Adix-null220
Look and Say sean-niemann145
Recamán DialFrost102
Leyland Numbers michelebastione161
Pernicious Numbers rifatx138
Prime Numbers (Long) rifatx91
Prime Numbers rifatx87
Morse Encoder namelessiw171
Divisors rifatx81
Catalan’s Constant rifatx226
Pascal’s Triangle rifatx133
brainfuck namelessiw222
Fizz Buzz SrGalletaEXT84