Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Tic-tac-toe tomtheisen 🥈 97
CSS Colors Yax42 282
Billiards AdrienHache 💎 197
Billiards Yax42 🥈 199
Reversi AdrienHache 🥇 159
Reverse Polish Notation Yax42 194
Factorial Factorisation Yax42 🥈 110
Star Wars Opening Crawl Yax42 415
Fractions AdrienHache 138
Card Number Validation Yax42 🥉 84
Rule 110 AdrienHache 111
Tutorial dokutan 96
Pangram Grep Yax42 86
Reversi Yax42 🥇 159
Lucky Tickets Yax42 238
Tic-tac-toe dokutan 194
Reverse Polish Notation AdrienHache 180
ROT13 HumanoidCPU 155
Leap Years CaedenHarper 67
Star Wars Opening Crawl AdrienHache 🥈 370
Jacobi Symbol tomtheisen 175
Maze AdrienHache 💎 128
Musical Chords AdrienHache 185
Recamán Yax42 92
Proximity Grid Yax42 535
Proximity Grid AdrienHache 203
ISBN AdrienHache 85
ISBN Yax42 84
Tic-tac-toe Shanethegamer 153
Star Wars GPT AdrienHache 157
SI Units tomtheisen 656
Tic-tac-toe AdrienHache 💎 94
Tic-tac-toe stefangimmillaro 🥉 98
Pernicious Numbers (Long) Yax42 88
Pernicious Numbers Yax42 68
Diamonds Yax42 141
Musical Chords Yax42 354
Tutorial AdrienHache 73
Tutorial Yax42 73
Tic-tac-toe namelessiw 100
Maze JayXon 🥉 138
24 Game tomtheisen 💎 380
Arithmetic Numbers stefangimmillaro 95
ASCII Table b-smyers 312
Fibonacci rollershutter 67
Fizz Buzz Umbrason 88
Rijndael S-box rollershutter 790
Odious Numbers arcpolaris 89
Christmas Trees Yax42 102
Tutorial MeWhenI 73
Christmas Trees AdrienHache 117
Partition Numbers AdrienHache 128
Card Number Validation arcpolaris 120
12 Days of Christmas Yax42 498
Highly Composite Numbers AdrienHache 258
Tic-tac-toe Yax42 106
Partition Numbers Yax42 665
Tic-tac-toe MeWhenI 144
Highly Composite Numbers HumanoidCPU 410
Billiards tomtheisen 233
Trinomial Triangle HumanoidCPU 2,085
99 Bottles of Beer CaedenHarper 350
Tutorial CLOStrophobic 76
Maze Yax42 143
Tutorial voytxt 76
Spelling Numbers JayXon 💎 328
Kaprekar Numbers SirBogman 95
United States SirBogman 🥉 144
ROT13 tomtheisen 89
Tutorial b-illy 73
Medal Tally Yax42 186
Fibonacci desecaw13 62
Ten-pin Bowling AdrienHache 🥈 147
Fibonacci Natanaelel 52
Fizz Buzz Natanaelel 85