Recent Solutions

Seven Segment sean-niemann110
Collatz Mehbark56
Transpose Sentence MeWhenI80
United States voytxt🥉 110
Collatz helbling57
ln 2 Steffan15354
99 Bottles of Beer Steffan153🥇 200
Mahjong tayloia274
Fizz Buzz jordan-k-johnson98
Transpose Sentence LukeBridges81
Transpose Sentence sean-niemann77
Transpose Sentence dmrichwa77
Arabic to Roman Steffan153117
Divisors CaedenHarper68
99 Bottles of Beer joedia319
Factorial Factorisation sean-niemann88
Factorial Factorisation voytxt118
Time Distance sean-niemann🥇 198
Abundant Numbers sean-niemann🥉 50
Transpose Sentence voytxt82
Rijndael S-box helbling228
Transpose Sentence rucin93🥈 75
Transpose Sentence ovs-code🥈 75
Transpose Sentence tayloia80
Transpose Sentence helbling77
Transpose Sentence emplv🥈 75
Quine Vexxter929
Transpose Sentence KrausRaus88
Transpose Sentence JayXon💎 74
Transpose Sentence Shanethegamer🥈 75
Catalan Numbers codingisgreatbutiamnot51
Transpose Sentence emgordon15488
Transpose Sentence KatieLG86
Transpose Sentence Steffan153🥈 75
Day of Week pardouin🥇 71
Fizz Buzz eMGeeneer🥇 56
Arithmetic Numbers eMGeeneer74
Abundant Numbers (Long) eMGeeneer66
Abundant Numbers eMGeeneer66
Fibonacci thacuber2a0376
N Queens MostParsingVex149
Recamán xsot52
Maze LukeBridges757
Fizz Buzz TheLastZombie59
Recamán rucin9352
Pernicious Numbers bynux-gh110
√2 rifatx1,011
Lucky Numbers Steffan15369
Leap Years weliveinhell43
√2 inventshah60
Emojify voytxt245
Time Distance weliveinhell254
Reversi emplv123
Kolakoski Constant rucin9379
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar Florian-Mt98
Zeckendorf Representation voytxt91
Collatz Florian-Mt66
Fibonacci SrGalletaEXT49
Recamán sean-niemann52
Kolakoski Sequence emgordon15473