Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Fizz Buzz csharpython 100
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard dokutan 728
99 Bottles of Beer DialFrost 🥇 200
Tic-tac-toe sisyphus-ppcg 100
Minesweeper targrik 176
Calendar targrik 208
Ellipse Perimeters targrik 109
Sudoku (Fill-in) targrik 641
Sudoku targrik 636
Game of Life targrik 174
Time Distance targrik 310
24 Game targrik 🥉 574
brainfuck targrik 166
Cubes targrik 🥈 261
Arithmetic Numbers targrik 77
Fractions targrik 96
Catalan’s Constant targrik 721
Kolakoski Constant targrik 720
ln 2 targrik 717
φ targrik 720
γ targrik 717
Transpose Sentence targrik 100
Tic-tac-toe targrik 129
ROT13 HumanoidCPU 44
Tic-tac-toe xsot 🥇 84
Tic-tac-toe edsrzf 101
Mahjong targrik 🥈 304
Arithmetic Numbers TheAtrossian 125
Tic-tac-toe primo-ppcg 🥇 84
Tic-tac-toe sean-niemann 🥉 91
Hilbert Curve HumanoidCPU 5,123
Tic-tac-toe DialFrost 94
Reversi targrik 248
Poker targrik 🥈 388
12 Days of Christmas targrik 478
ISBN targrik 98
Musical Chords targrik 568
Tic-tac-toe rucin93 🥉 91
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard targrik 288
Catalan Numbers targrik 🥈 299
Rule 110 targrik 123
Smith Numbers targrik 189
Zodiac Signs targrik 183
Farey Sequence targrik 68
Pangram Grep targrik 104
Repeating Decimals targrik 207
Leyland Numbers targrik 🥉 77
Ten-pin Bowling targrik 269
Proximity Grid targrik 170
Trinomial Triangle HumanoidCPU 2,072
United States MeWhenI 126
Tic-tac-toe MeWhenI 101
Roman to Arabic targrik 132
Emojify targrik 🥉 194
λ targrik 721
√2 targrik 718
CSS Colors targrik 1,445
ROT13 KasperKivimaeki 46
Prime Numbers (Long) CaedenHarper 51
Prime Numbers CaedenHarper 50
Lucky Tickets targrik 229
Tutorial Salutations45 70
Polyominoes targrik 🥉 405
Fibonacci desecaw13 54
Jacobi Symbol targrik 150
Vampire Numbers targrik 213
Recamán targrik 54
Catalan Numbers CaedenHarper 2,877
Diamonds Lydxn 🥇 67
Kaprekar Numbers targrik 115
Rijndael S-box targrik 205
Card Number Validation targrik 89
Prime Numbers (Long) Lydxn 🥉 46
Prime Numbers Lydxn 🥉 45
Rijndael S-box CaedenHarper 773