Recent Solutions

Fibonacci emgordon15451
√2 rifatx1,012
Quine pardouin🥇 14
Divisors rifatx75
𝑒 TaserTheFox1,009
Tongue-twisters LHLaurini599
Zeckendorf Representation typeswitch-dev🥈 130
Roman to Arabic typeswitch-dev🥈 126
ISBN ovs-code💎 112
Fibonacci error25636
Zeckendorf Representation error256💎 129
Fizz Buzz CaedenHarper153
Factorial Factorisation bac0id🥈 866
𝑒 bac0id1,007
√2 bac0id1,007
φ bac0id1,007
τ bac0id1,007
π bac0id1,007
λ bac0id1,007
γ bac0id1,007
Kolakoski Constant bac0id1,007
Catalan’s Constant bac0id🥉 1,007
Farey Sequence typeswitch-dev🥉 151
N Queens typeswitch-dev💎 1,258
Ascending Primes typeswitch-dev💎 190
Factorial Factorisation typeswitch-dev💎 187
24 Game typeswitch-dev💎 439
ln 2 bac0id1,007
π Ralac071,009
12 Days of Christmas zakariamouhid3,174
λ HumanoidCPU1,007
Kolakoski Sequence HumanoidCPU2,004
Quine HumanoidCPU🥇 14
Catalan’s Constant HumanoidCPU🥉 1,007
√2 HumanoidCPU1,007
γ HumanoidCPU1,007
ln 2 HumanoidCPU1,007
Reverse Polish Notation error25651
N Queens MeWhenI🥈 1,406
𝑒 Jacob3851,009
N Queens KatieLG🥉 2,137
Rijndael S-box BREMAUCY🥈 862
π aalec1,012
φ HumanoidCPU1,007
Kolakoski Constant HumanoidCPU1,007
Factorial Factorisation BREMAUCY🥈 866
Factorial Factorisation HumanoidCPU🥈 866
Factorial Factorisation KatieLG871
Factorial Factorisation Yewzir🥈 866
Factorial Factorisation zakariamouhid868
Factorial Factorisation MeWhenI🥈 866
Factorial Factorisation Shanethegamer868
τ HumanoidCPU1,007
𝑒 jtaxen1,024
Quine madeforlosers113
Spelling Numbers KatieLG55,511
SI Units KatieLG🥉 31,776
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard KatieLG1,297
Ordinal Numbers KatieLG35,838
Musical Chords KatieLG🥉 15,568