Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Hilbert Curve ovs-code 138
Partition Numbers 2bular 31
Set ovs-code 38
Van Eck Sequence retrohun 2,584
Vampire Numbers retrohun 1,085
Tongue-twisters retrohun 532
Smith Numbers retrohun 1,843
Sierpiński Triangle retrohun 563
Rule 110 retrohun 16,351
Recamán retrohun 906
Prime Numbers (Long) retrohun 6,007
Pernicious Numbers (Long) retrohun 20,866
Pascal’s Triangle retrohun 778
Odious Numbers (Long) retrohun 1,964
Niven Numbers (Long) retrohun 7,512
Lucky Numbers retrohun 4,869
Look and Say retrohun 1,298
Leyland Numbers retrohun 895
Leap Years retrohun 739
Inventory Sequence retrohun 2,652
Happy Numbers (Long) retrohun 561
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar retrohun 5,778
Evil Numbers (Long) retrohun 1,969
Emirp Numbers (Long) retrohun 1,170
Divisors retrohun 1,180
Diamonds retrohun 1,122
Collatz retrohun 3,260
Christmas Trees retrohun 554
Catalan Numbers retrohun 2,901
Abundant Numbers (Long) retrohun 973
99 Bottles of Beer retrohun 12,009
12 Days of Christmas retrohun 2,398
Partition Numbers Natanaelel 🥇 25
Partition Numbers KatieLG 754
Tutorial paulmr 30
Partition Numbers zacjl 🥇 25
Partition Numbers ovs-code 🥇 25
Tutorial gigaprofisi 31
Recamán gigaprofisi 1,158
Partition Numbers MeWhenI 656
Fractions 2bular 🥇 32
Partition Numbers dokutan 618
Highly Composite Numbers ovs-code 52
Emirp Numbers sean-niemann 🥇 25
Ten-pin Bowling ovs-code 💎 66
Semiprime Numbers ovs-code 27
Prime Numbers acotis 75
Tutorial targrik 73
Ordinal Numbers ovs-code 🥇 33
Snake ovs-code 58
γ sciencejiho 1,010
Snake 2bular 65
Arabic to Roman ovs-code 💎 45
Morse Encoder dokutan 582
Morse Decoder dokutan 471
Apéry’s Constant dokutan 946
Ascending Primes HPWiz 🥇 23
Gijswijt’s Sequence ovs-code 🥇 34
Tutorial csharpython 31
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard dokutan 🥉 534
Sudoku ovs-code 💎 174
Gijswijt’s Sequence zacjl 🥇 34
Tutorial dokutan 30
Tic-tac-toe ovs-code 💎 41
Tutorial psethwick 30
Tic-tac-toe SirBogman 🥉 52
Tic-tac-toe 2bular 🥈 47
Prime Numbers (Long) CaedenHarper 🥇 13
Prime Numbers CaedenHarper 🥇 11
Tutorial voytxt 31
Fibonacci desecaw13 25
Recamán 2bular 💎 29
Minesweeper 2bular 47
Gray Code Encoder 2bular 23
Tutorial Natanaelel 29