Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Rijndael S-box MostParsingVex 169
12 Days of Christmas Aditya-A-Thakkar 2,417
Game of Life Re-Adventures 477
Hexdump Re-Adventures 350
Polyominoes ovs-code 💎 228
Levenshtein Distance edsrzf 250
ROT13 elgan65536 148
Look and Say acotis 253
𝑒 madeforlosers 1,023
Fibonacci Maximizer02 73
ROT13 stefangimmillaro 126
Abundant Numbers itljan30 87
Abundant Numbers (Long) itljan30 88
CSS Colors acotis 2,249
ROT13 cyrilboyer 195
Christmas Trees acotis 98
Quine edsrzf 110
Catalan Numbers lynn 🥈 148
Catalan Numbers acotis 🥉 150
Mahjong cyrilboyer 🦄 1,639
Fizz Buzz pjpringle 365
Emirp Numbers acotis 107
24 Game acotis 383
Leyland Numbers Shanethegamer 906
ASCII Table acotis 150
Arrows acotis 249
Ascending Primes acotis 🥉 105
12 Days of Christmas acotis 499
Abundant Numbers acotis 84
Abundant Numbers (Long) acotis 85
Prime Numbers acotis 🥇 61
Pernicious Numbers acotis 69
CSS Colors JayXon 💎 673
Zodiac Signs JayXon 💎 225
Fibonacci acotis 65
Arabic to Roman lynn 201
Arabic to Roman acotis 248
Forsyth–Edwards Notation acotis 🥈 226
Zeckendorf Representation klixel 259
Rijndael S-box Alex-x90 160
ROT13 Siri-chan 201
Day of Week acotis 350
Arithmetic Numbers acotis 107
Pangram Grep Pale-Vessel 114
Fibonacci Siri-chan 102
Abundant Numbers (Long) Pale-Vessel 86
Fizz Buzz yupiel 114
ROT13 JayXon 💎 116
ROT13 msbranicky 354
ROT13 acotis 🥉 122
ROT13 lynn 🥈 118
Odious Numbers nullie 66
Ordinal Numbers nullie 157
𝑒 Fishyfii 1,026
ROT13 rucin93 184
Leap Years elituf 76
Abundant Numbers (Long) elituf 🥇 79
Abundant Numbers elituf 78
12 Days of Christmas elituf 542
ROT13 madex 197
Fizz Buzz elituf 131
π elituf 1,023
Intersection nullie 211
π AidanWalter 1,025
Pangram Grep Artemis21 105
Christmas Trees nullie 94
Pangram Grep nullie 111
Look and Say nullie 200
Evil Numbers nullie 66
ASCII Table nullie 162
Fizz Buzz Pale-Vessel 144
Catalan Numbers nullie 172
Leap Years nullie 63
Arabic to Roman KatieLG 384
Sierpiński Triangle HumanoidCPU 283