Recent Solutions

Fibonacci emgordon15457
Transpose Sentence SirBogman🥈 60
Transpose Sentence Shanethegamer🥉 68
Farey Sequence bitsandbeyond🥇 45
Transpose Sentence bitsandbeyond💎 57
Transpose Sentence MeWhenI70
Kolakoski Constant bitsandbeyond85
Kolakoski Sequence bitsandbeyond💎 42
√2 rifatx1,015
γ bitsandbeyond🥉 115
Collatz Flobois63
Zeckendorf Representation Flobois158
Fibonacci Flobois41
Inventory Sequence MeWhenI48
Sudoku bitsandbeyond💎 286
QR Decoder nwellnhof🥉 131
QR Decoder bitsandbeyond🥇 125
Rijndael S-box bitsandbeyond🥉 167
Zeckendorf Representation Feniske106
τ DialFrost78
π DialFrost78
√2 DialFrost54
φ DialFrost52
Zeckendorf Representation Msleizak176
Sudoku IISResetMe1,012
Smith Numbers bitsandbeyond🥉 153
Happy Numbers (Long) resoNathan168
Evil Numbers Schmitt-Very-Cool342
Factorial Factorisation bitsandbeyond💎 94
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar Msleizak134
Van Eck Sequence IISResetMe74
Zeckendorf Representation bitsandbeyond💎 75
Day of Week pardouin🥇 16
Recamán IISResetMe72
Prime Numbers dokutan70
Fibonacci DialFrost28
Farey Sequence DialFrost60
Game of Life IISResetMe183
Lucky Tickets MeWhenI92
Medal Tally bitsandbeyond💎 98
Quine MeWhenI40
Catalan’s Constant MeWhenI94
ln 2 MeWhenI53
λ MeWhenI216
φ MeWhenI57
√2 MeWhenI59
𝑒 MeWhenI64
Zeckendorf Representation MeWhenI90
Tongue-twisters LHLaurini535
Happy Numbers bitsandbeyond🥇 52
λ bitsandbeyond💎 185
Fibonacci dokutan46
Fizz Buzz CaedenHarper109
Prime Numbers (Long) Florian-Mt116
Prime Numbers Florian-Mt109
Repeating Decimals IISResetMe211
Morse Encoder IISResetMe257
Gijswijt’s Sequence IISResetMe182
Emojify juliansiebert214
CSS Colors jmerle86