Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Pangram Grep sean-niemann 41
Christmas Trees sean-niemann 59
QR Decoder tatzyr 149
Tic-tac-toe olleicua 68
ROT13 olleicua 64
Partition Numbers stefangimmillaro 92
Partition Numbers JayXon 🥈 46
Game of Life olleicua 104
Polyominoes olleicua 286
Kaprekar Numbers olleicua 441
Arabic to Roman paul-c-hartman 174
Abundant Numbers (Long) paul-c-hartman 54
Abundant Numbers paul-c-hartman 54
Star Wars GPT Shanethegamer 108
99 Bottles of Beer paul-c-hartman 381
24 Game paul-c-hartman 421
12 Days of Christmas paul-c-hartman 458
Partition Numbers LostSyntax21 55
Tutorial paul-c-hartman 28
Leap Years albanian-laundromat 53
Collatz sean-niemann 51
Partition Numbers Shanethegamer 87
Emojify emgordon154 166
Partition Numbers KatieLG 752
Partition Numbers olleicua 489
Leyland Numbers olleicua 887
Farey Sequence edsrzf 57
Rijndael S-box emgordon154 189
𝑒 gigaprofisi 1,008
Fizz Buzz CodeF53 80
Ascending Primes sean-niemann 65
Diamonds kevinnaviapaiva 262
Leap Years tatzyr 41
Minesweeper Shanethegamer 114
Musical Chords tatzyr 1,880
Pernicious Numbers emgordon154 38
Semiprime Numbers HumanoidCPU 12,794
Kolakoski Constant emgordon154 88
Kolakoski Sequence dokutan 316
N Queens dokutan 1,121
Partition Numbers dokutan 652
Partition Numbers anter69 58
Tutorial gigaprofisi 135
ISBN HumanoidCPU 92
Arrows emgordon154 105
Reversi tatzyr 190
Gijswijt’s Sequence tatzyr 111
Cubes tatzyr 224
Partition Numbers madex 151
Tutorial chocycat 28
Partition Numbers error256 58
Sphenic Numbers Natanaelel 75
Partition Numbers sean-niemann 🥈 46
Partition Numbers kg583 🥈 46
Partition Numbers emgordon154 🥈 46
Partition Numbers Natanaelel 70
Recamán Andriamanitra 47
Partition Numbers MeWhenI 🥈 46
SI Units tatzyr 717
Fizz Buzz slipperfruit 51
Partition Numbers tatzyr 63
Musical Chords JayXon 💎 83
Star Wars Opening Crawl tatzyr 1,822
Quine JunkIce 26
Apéry’s Constant canissimia 63
Flags MeWhenI 1,593
Highly Composite Numbers MeWhenI 106
Proximity Grid tatzyr 268
Zodiac Signs tatzyr 195
Ten-pin Bowling tatzyr 420
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard tatzyr 267
Sudoku (Fill-in) tatzyr 1,237
Sudoku tatzyr 1,200
Reverse Polish Notation tatzyr 60
Polyominoes tatzyr 296