Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Diamonds Quirkly-Quasar1 1,109
Hexdump DialFrost 115
Happy Numbers tatzyr 77
Happy Numbers (Long) tatzyr 77
Vampire Numbers tatzyr 144
99 Bottles of Beer tatzyr 251
Billiards error256 🥉 107
Fibonacci NicknamedTwice 29
Leap Years tatzyr 44
Quine tatzyr 🥇 25
Fibonacci tatzyr 26
Billiards tatzyr 194
24 Game tatzyr 326
Niven Numbers (Long) mrondon8 🥇 38
Billiards Shanethegamer 118
Billiards Natanaelel 111
Billiards stefangimmillaro 114
Abundant Numbers (Long) mrondon8 🥉 46
Billiards pardouin 🥇 105
𝑒 NicknamedTwice 61
Reversi emgordon154 89
Billiards emgordon154 117
Billiards KatieLG 14,509
Billiards MeWhenI 120
Rule 110 tatzyr 193
Farey Sequence aksyristos 81
Christmas Trees tatzyr 79
Factorial Factorisation tatzyr 87
Collatz AbrahamJLR 56
Pascal’s Triangle FlyingPenguin223 48
Repeating Decimals NicknamedTwice 217
Van Eck Sequence emgordon154 52
CSS Colors NicknamedTwice 2,087
Kolakoski Sequence emgordon154 52
Billiards ovs-code 🥇 105
ln 2 edsrzf 66
Quine Quirkly-Quasar 28
Sierpiński Triangle tatzyr 65
PalindromemordnilaP tatzyr 68
ln 2 tatzyr 60
Jacobi Symbol tatzyr 134
Fizz Buzz edsrzf 🥇 50
Leyland Numbers tatzyr 62
Emirp Numbers tatzyr 79
Emirp Numbers (Long) tatzyr 80
ISBN tatzyr 77
Ordinal Numbers tatzyr 56
Fizz Buzz Quirkly-Quasar 68
DFA Simulator emgordon154 131
Divisors edsrzf 46
Leap Years edsrzf 53
Day of Week edsrzf 53
Kaprekar Numbers JayXon 🥉 63
Fibonacci madeforlosers 35
PalindromemordnilaP DialFrost 63
Maze error256 141
Morse Encoder gotbadger 233
Maze stefangimmillaro 91
Arithmetic Numbers tatzyr 61
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar radarek 🥇 77
Reverse Polish Notation emgordon154 72
Mahjong emgordon154 398
Morse Encoder didroe 159
Intersection emgordon154 105
Rijndael S-box emgordon154 194
ISBN DialFrost 72
Zodiac Signs stefangimmillaro 110
Number Spiral error256 💎 79
Kaprekar Numbers emgordon154 83
Pascal’s Triangle NicknamedTwice 🥇 43
Inventory Sequence emgordon154 50
Star Wars Opening Crawl emgordon154 285
ASCII Table emgordon154 102
Card Number Validation emgordon154 63
Fractions tatzyr 22