Recent Solutions

𝑒 Jacob3851,008
Sudoku MostParsingVex💎 609
Transpose Sentence Shanethegamer💎 106
Sudoku v2 MostParsingVex💎 333
Transpose Sentence MostParsingVex🥉 112
Transpose Sentence MeWhenI🥈 107
Hexdump MostParsingVex💎 289
√2 rifatx1,008
Proximity Grid MostParsingVex💎 297
Number Spiral Msleizak316
N Queens MostParsingVex💎 307
Tongue-twisters LHLaurini528
Fizz Buzz CaedenHarper418
Fibonacci msbranicky73
Zeckendorf Representation MeWhenI💎 127
Recamán bac0id902
𝑒 bac0id1,008
√2 bac0id1,008
φ bac0id1,008
τ bac0id1,008
π bac0id1,008
λ bac0id1,008
γ bac0id1,008
Kolakoski Constant bac0id1,008
Factorial Factorisation bac0id🥈 867
Catalan’s Constant bac0id1,008
ln 2 bac0id1,008
Jacobi Symbol MeWhenI🥉 157
Fibonacci error256139
Cubes dokutan1,616
Diamonds dokutan372
Fizz Buzz dokutan290
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar dokutan3,166
Tongue-twisters dokutan399
12 Days of Christmas dokutan805
Reversi Shanethegamer💎 206
π Ralac071,008
Fizz Buzz helbling98
Fizz Buzz RedzGoose135
Reversi Yewzir🥈 410
Rijndael S-box error256💎 544
Fibonacci jtaxen95
Abundant Numbers HPWiz💎 49
Musical Chords HPWiz💎 112
Fizz Buzz heanyang1171
Evil Numbers (Long) HumanoidCPU1,955
Odious Numbers (Long) HumanoidCPU1,950
Prime Numbers (Long) HumanoidCPU5,953
Odious Numbers HumanoidCPU78
Inventory Sequence HumanoidCPU2,628
Leap Years HumanoidCPU735
Prime Numbers HumanoidCPU76
Fibonacci HumanoidCPU139
Abundant Numbers (Long) HumanoidCPU969
Abundant Numbers HumanoidCPU168
Fizz Buzz mrmena120
Evil Numbers HumanoidCPU75
Look and Say HumanoidCPU1,284
Christmas Trees HumanoidCPU550
99 Bottles of Beer HumanoidCPU11,890