dokutan (they/them)



110 / 110 Holes


59 / 59 Langs


67 / 77 Cheevos


dokutan solved Diamonds in Rust
dokutan solved Emojify in Kotlin
dokutan solved Pernicious Numbers in Prolog
dokutan solved Prime Numbers in Prolog
dokutan solved 24 Game in Rust
dokutan solved Polyominoes in Rust
dokutan solved N Queens in Rust
dokutan solved CSS Colors in JavaScript
dokutan solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Rust
dokutan solved Farey Sequence in Rust
dokutan solved Rijndael S-box in Rust
dokutan solved Number Spiral in Rust
dokutan solved Kaprekar Numbers in Rust
dokutan solved Inventory Sequence in Rust
dokutan solved Factorial Factorisation in Rust
dokutan solved Tongue-twisters in Rust
dokutan solved CSS Colors in Civet
dokutan solved Morse Encoder in Kotlin
dokutan solved Morse Encoder in Java
dokutan solved United States in Ruby
dokutan solved United States in Coconut
dokutan solved United States in Python
dokutan solved Morse Encoder in Julia
dokutan solved Morse Encoder in Clojure
dokutan solved Morse Encoder in Coconut
dokutan solved Morse Encoder in Python
dokutan solved Kolakoski Sequence in J
dokutan solved Kolakoski Sequence in Elixir
dokutan solved CSS Colors in Factor
dokutan solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Factor
dokutan solved United States in Nim
dokutan solved Kolakoski Sequence in C#
dokutan solved Kolakoski Sequence in Swift
dokutan solved Kolakoski Sequence in Rust
dokutan solved Kolakoski Sequence in Haskell
dokutan solved Kolakoski Sequence in Dart
dokutan solved Quine in Factor
dokutan solved Quine in F#
dokutan solved Quine in Elixir
dokutan solved Quine in D
dokutan solved PalindromemordnilaP in C#
dokutan solved Kolakoski Sequence in Lisp
dokutan solved United States in GolfScript
dokutan solved Sierpiล„ski Triangle in GolfScript
dokutan solved ๐‘’ in Factor
dokutan solved โˆš2 in Factor
dokutan solved ฯ† in Factor
dokutan solved ฯ„ in Factor
dokutan solved ฯ€ in Factor
dokutan solved ฮป in Factor
dokutan solved ฮณ in Factor
dokutan solved Van Eck Sequence in Factor
dokutan solved Vampire Numbers in Factor
dokutan solved United States in Factor
dokutan solved Tongue-twisters in Factor
dokutan solved Smith Numbers in Factor
dokutan solved Rijndael S-box in Factor
dokutan solved Recamรกn in Factor
dokutan solved Polyominoes in Factor
dokutan solved Pascalโ€™s Triangle in Factor
dokutan solved Number Spiral in Factor
dokutan solved N Queens in Factor
dokutan solved Lucky Numbers in Factor
dokutan solved Look and Say in Factor
dokutan solved ln 2 in Factor
dokutan solved Leyland Numbers in Factor
dokutan solved Levenshtein Distance in Factor
dokutan solved Kolakoski Sequence in Factor
dokutan solved Kolakoski Constant in Factor
dokutan solved Kaprekar Numbers in Python
dokutan solved Kaprekar Numbers in Coconut
dokutan solved Kaprekar Numbers in Factor
dokutan solved Inventory Sequence in Factor
dokutan solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Factor
dokutan solved Happy Numbers in Factor
dokutan solved Gijswijtโ€™s Sequence in Factor
dokutan solved Fractions in Factor
dokutan solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Factor
dokutan solved Fizz Buzz in Factor
dokutan solved Fibonacci in Factor
dokutan solved Farey Sequence in Factor
dokutan solved Factorial Factorisation in Factor
dokutan solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Factor
dokutan solved Emirp Numbers in Factor
dokutan solved Divisors in Factor
dokutan solved Diamonds in Factor
dokutan solved Collatz in Factor
dokutan solved Christmas Trees in Factor
dokutan solved Catalanโ€™s Constant in Factor
dokutan solved Catalan Numbers in Factor
dokutan solved ASCII Table in Factor
dokutan solved Ascending Primes in Factor
dokutan solved Arithmetic Numbers in Factor
dokutan solved Arabic to Roman in Python
dokutan solved Arabic to Roman in Coconut
dokutan solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Factor
dokutan solved Abundant Numbers in Factor
dokutan solved 24 Game in Factor
dokutan solved 12 Days of Christmas in Factor
dokutan solved ฯ€ in GolfScript