nwellnhof ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช





109 / 111 Holes


20 / 59 Langs


47 / 77 Cheevos


saito-ta solved Billiards in sed
canissimia solved 24 Game in brainfuck
saito-ta solved Catalanโ€™s Constant in Bash
saito-ta solved Catalanโ€™s Constant in Perl
saito-ta solved Billiards in Bash
saito-ta solved Billiards in C
saito-ta solved Billiards in GolfScript
saito-ta earned ๐Ÿฆซ Busy Beaver
canissimia solved Apรฉryโ€™s Constant in GolfScript
canissimia solved Apรฉryโ€™s Constant in Python
canissimia solved Quine in sed
canissimia solved Transpose Sentence in sed
saito-ta solved Billiards in Perl
saito-ta solved Kaprekar Numbers in Bash
rhdqor213 solved ๐‘’ in C
saito-ta solved Transpose Sentence in Bash
rhdqor213 solved Intersection in C
rhdqor213 solved PalindromemordnilaP in C
rhdqor213 solved Farey Sequence in C
rhdqor213 solved Divisors in C
rhdqor213 solved Medal Tally in C
nwellnhof solved Kaprekar Numbers in Perl
nwellnhof solved 24 Game in JavaScript
nwellnhof solved Kaprekar Numbers in Ruby
nwellnhof solved Kaprekar Numbers in C++
nwellnhof solved Kaprekar Numbers in Java
nwellnhof solved Kaprekar Numbers in Python
nwellnhof solved Kaprekar Numbers in C#
nwellnhof solved Kaprekar Numbers in JavaScript
nwellnhof solved Kaprekar Numbers in C
nwellnhof solved Kaprekar Numbers in Go
nwellnhof solved Kaprekar Numbers in Raku
nwellnhof solved Kaprekar Numbers in PowerShell
canissimia solved Kaprekar Numbers in Python
saito-ta solved Kaprekar Numbers in sed
saito-ta solved Kaprekar Numbers in C
canissimia earned ๐Ÿ’พ Patches Welcome
nwellnhof solved Zodiac Signs in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Inventory Sequence in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Van Eck Sequence in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Rule 110 in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Pascalโ€™s Triangle in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Kolakoski Constant in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Kolakoski Sequence in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Gijswijtโ€™s Sequence in Go
nwellnhof solved 12 Days of Christmas in sed
nwellnhof solved Rijndael S-box in Go
nwellnhof solved Emojify in sed
nwellnhof solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Java
nwellnhof solved Niven Numbers (Long) in C++
nwellnhof solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Go
canissimia solved Zeckendorf Representation in sed
nwellnhof solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Vampire Numbers in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Lucky Numbers in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved QR Decoder in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Card Number Validation in Go
nwellnhof solved Farey Sequence in Perl
nwellnhof solved Farey Sequence in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved N Queens in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Ascending Primes in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Ascending Primes in JavaScript
nwellnhof solved Medal Tally in PowerShell
bitsandbeyond solved Medal Tally in PowerShell
bitsandbeyond solved Ascending Primes in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Ruby
nwellnhof solved 99 Bottles of Beer in PowerShell
bitsandbeyond solved Maze in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Arithmetic Numbers in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Card Number Validation in Ruby
nwellnhof solved Forsythโ€“Edwards Notation in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Intersection in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Factorial Factorisation in C
bitsandbeyond solved Jacobi Symbol in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Factorial Factorisation in Python
nwellnhof solved Factorial Factorisation in PowerShell
rhdqor213 solved Card Number Validation in C
nwellnhof solved Game of Life in PowerShell
bitsandbeyond solved Fractions in PowerShell
bitsandbeyond solved Game of Life in PowerShell
bitsandbeyond solved Christmas Trees in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Polyominoes in Perl
nwellnhof solved Polyominoes in sed
saito-ta solved Lucky Tickets in GolfScript
nwellnhof solved Card Number Validation in JavaScript
nwellnhof solved Levenshtein Distance in Python
nwellnhof solved Fractions in Python
saito-ta solved CSS Colors in Perl
nwellnhof solved Card Number Validation in Perl
nwellnhof solved Card Number Validation in Java
bitsandbeyond solved Card Number Validation in PowerShell
bitsandbeyond solved Happy Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
bitsandbeyond solved Repeating Decimals in PowerShell
bitsandbeyond solved brainfuck in PowerShell
nwellnhof solved Pangram Grep in C#
nwellnhof solved Card Number Validation in sed
bitsandbeyond solved Tongue-twisters in PowerShell
saito-ta solved Fibonacci in Perl
canissimia solved Card Number Validation in brainfuck