Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Day of Week CLOStrophobic 976
Recamán zacjl 💎 91
Prime Numbers CLOStrophobic 🥇 11
Prime Numbers (Long) CLOStrophobic 🥇 13
ROT13 CLOStrophobic 🥇 68
Niven Numbers (Long) ovs-code 🥇 143
π CaedenHarper 35
Kolakoski Sequence Shanethegamer 💎 72
24 Game KasperKivimaeki 764
Intersection Shanethegamer 💎 303
ASCII Table Shanethegamer 💎 304
Prime Numbers (Long) GolfingSuccess 🥉 135
Niven Numbers GolfingSuccess 122
Fibonacci CheeseCake628 39
Pernicious Numbers (Long) GolfingSuccess 💎 195
Niven Numbers (Long) GolfingSuccess 🥇 143
Happy Numbers (Long) GolfingSuccess 💎 172
Factorial Factorisation GolfingSuccess 💎 234
Emirp Numbers (Long) GolfingSuccess 💎 242
Arithmetic Numbers GolfingSuccess 💎 189
Divisors GolfingSuccess 💎 146
PalindromemordnilaP DialFrost 🥈 226
brainfuck ryyyn 186
99 Bottles of Beer ovs-code 💎 200
Polyominoes croc54 963
Prime Numbers (Long) DialFrost 🥇 121
CSS Colors ryyyn 2,096
Levenshtein Distance klixel 149
Vampire Numbers bitsandbeyond 💎 130
Quine NicknamedTwice 32
ISBN Shanethegamer 💎 288
Recamán zacjl 🥈 87
Sierpiński Triangle klixel 93
Medal Tally Shanethegamer 🦄 300
Proximity Grid CaedenHarper 433
Proximity Grid CaedenHarper 447
Christmas Trees ryyyn 74
Fizz Buzz martinorav 59
99 Bottles of Beer ovs-code 💎 174
Star Wars Opening Crawl NicknamedTwice 301
Card Number Validation frankgraziano 🥉 61
Number Spiral NicknamedTwice 65
Fractions NicknamedTwice 42
Star Wars Opening Crawl ryyyn 345
Tongue-twisters croc54 336
brainfuck NicknamedTwice 287
brainfuck NicknamedTwice 216
Kaprekar Numbers DialFrost 💎 163
Smith Numbers bitsandbeyond 🥈 112
ROT13 CaedenHarper 66
Arithmetic Numbers bitsandbeyond 💎 78
Abundant Numbers (Long) emgordon154 176
CSS Colors CaedenHarper 83
Arrows sean-niemann 96
Pernicious Numbers (Long) DialFrost 77
Vampire Numbers AlephSquirrel 🥉 268
Prime Numbers (Long) Shanethegamer 175
Levenshtein Distance AlephSquirrel 281
Repeating Decimals AlephSquirrel 🥈 269
ROT13 ScottHamper 🥈 78
Van Eck Sequence AlephSquirrel 🥇 70
Prime Numbers (Long) voytxt 🥇 121
Polyominoes emgordon154 💎 1,161
Fibonacci Natanaelel 112
Seven Segment CLOStrophobic 186
Fractions Shanethegamer 💎 289
Fractions voytxt 333
Fibonacci CLOStrophobic 🥇 13
Divisors DialFrost 🥉 149
Transpose Sentence DialFrost 💎 209
Transpose Sentence voytxt 218
Time Distance targrik 313
Card Number Validation emgordon154 🦄 354
Fibonacci CLOStrophobic 🥇 36
ISBN emgordon154 🥈 329