Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Kolakoski Sequence whenaver 453
π whenaver 🥇 31
𝑒 whenaver 🥇 31
Fractions nomennescio 119
φ whenaver 38
Catalan’s Constant whenaver 🥇 46
γ whenaver 🥇 42
Pangram Grep 5quiwyrm 53
Evil Numbers 5quiwyrm 111
𝑒 5quiwyrm 1,013
Billiards Seek64 170
Christmas Trees 5quiwyrm 59
Pascal’s Triangle edsrzf 71
Pascal’s Triangle edsrzf 🥉 78
Abundant Numbers (Long) 5quiwyrm 50
Rule 110 tatzyr 165
Pascal’s Triangle edsrzf 69
99 Bottles of Beer whenaver 225
Abundant Numbers 5quiwyrm 50
Prime Numbers 5quiwyrm 40
Billiards CatsAreFluffy 🥈 142
Leyland Numbers 5quiwyrm 112
Pernicious Numbers (Long) whenaver 83
Leyland Numbers 5quiwyrm 74
Pernicious Numbers whenaver 48
Pernicious Numbers whenaver 19
Musical Chords JayXon 🥇 109
Happy Numbers (Long) edsrzf 🥇 124
Levenshtein Distance edsrzf 🥈 234
Levenshtein Distance kg583 💎 213
Levenshtein Distance edsrzf 💎 271
Rijndael S-box MostParsingVex 🥇 124
Fractions croc54 🥇 73
Gijswijt’s Sequence JayXon 💎 94
ln 2 croc54 59
Billiards ShiraJoseph 262
Christmas Trees KasperKivimaeki 🥈 79
ln 2 zacjl 🥈 61
ISBN CaedenHarper 275
ln 2 zacjl 💎 66
Collatz cole-wilson 98
Fractions DialFrost 88
Zeckendorf Representation DialFrost 🥉 155
Zeckendorf Representation DialFrost 🥈 136
Ordinal Numbers DialFrost 96
12 Days of Christmas NicknamedTwice 514
Kolakoski Sequence pardouin 54
Collatz DialFrost 97
Collatz DialFrost 103
ISBN CaedenHarper 240
Fibonacci noahhorlacher 60
Ordinal Numbers DialFrost 130
PalindromemordnilaP emgordon154 143
Forsyth–Edwards Notation emgordon154 201
Musical Chords pardouin 🥇 109
ISBN CaedenHarper 223
CSS Colors Ralac07 990
Reversi whenaver 250
Quine whenaver 505
Arithmetic Numbers emgordon154 🥈 103
Divisors dokutan 443
Fractions n3uromanc3r 202
Billiards sean-niemann 🥈 138
Billiards sean-niemann 🥈 154
Factorial Factorisation DialFrost 174
Factorial Factorisation DialFrost 111
Factorial Factorisation DialFrost 94
Factorial Factorisation DialFrost 🥉 148
Factorial Factorisation DialFrost 🥈 147
Christmas Trees kg583 100
brainfuck Quirkly-Quasar1 12,552
Zodiac Signs AdrienHache 💎 87
99 Bottles of Beer emgordon154 295
Pangram Grep whenaver 93
ISBN emgordon154 149