Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Arithmetic Numbers primo-ppcg 🥉 144
Repeating Decimals CLOStrophobic 🥉 279
Card Number Validation CLOStrophobic 126
Transpose Sentence CLOStrophobic 💎 117
Polyominoes CLOStrophobic 🥉 418
Reversi CLOStrophobic 🥈 216
Spelling Numbers GolfingSuccess 🥇 48
Reverse Polish Notation CLOStrophobic 🥈 135
brainfuck CLOStrophobic 💎 210
Zeckendorf Representation CLOStrophobic 🥉 134
12 Days of Christmas edsrzf 339
Roman to Arabic edsrzf 💎 89
Zeckendorf Representation kg583 💎 118
Kaprekar Numbers CLOStrophobic 272
Time Distance kg583 🥉 264
Lucky Numbers CLOStrophobic 127
Pascal’s Triangle CLOStrophobic 🥈 63
Ten-pin Bowling CLOStrophobic 🥉 366
Time Distance CLOStrophobic 💎 256
Time Distance AlephSquirrel 🥈 258
Ordinal Numbers edsrzf 🥉 90
Partition Numbers CLOStrophobic 101
λ zt14427 1,017
Smith Numbers CLOStrophobic 241
Ascending Primes CLOStrophobic 🥉 163
Hexdump CLOStrophobic 🥉 185
99 Bottles of Beer CLOStrophobic 244
Rijndael S-box kg583 🥇 220
N Queens kg583 💎 152
Roman to Arabic CLOStrophobic 🥈 93
PalindromemordnilaP edsrzf 120
Transpose Sentence edsrzf 148
Intersection edsrzf 🥉 168
CSS Colors kg583 🥉 786
Christmas Trees edsrzf 105
Card Number Validation edsrzf 🥇 124
Billiards edsrzf 196
Pascal’s Triangle edsrzf 73
Hexdump edsrzf 💎 169
Diamonds edsrzf 115
Ascending Primes edsrzf 187
Tic-tac-toe edsrzf 🥈 136
Leap Years Lydxn 🥈 60
Christmas Trees CLOStrophobic 🥉 94
Levenshtein Distance CLOStrophobic 🥈 221
Niven Numbers (Long) AlephSquirrel 🥈 88
Smith Numbers AlephSquirrel 🥉 205
Pascal’s Triangle AlephSquirrel 66
Hilbert Curve HumanoidCPU 5,126
Game of Life edsrzf 🥉 183
Tic-tac-toe kg583 🥉 139
Leap Years CLOStrophobic 63
Jacobi Symbol CLOStrophobic 266
Rule 110 kg583 132
Rule 110 edsrzf 🥈 127
Rule 110 zacjl 🥉 131
Catalan’s Constant CLOStrophobic 131
Billiards CLOStrophobic 💎 176
Rule 110 CLOStrophobic 179
Divisors CLOStrophobic 76
Abundant Numbers CLOStrophobic 81
Abundant Numbers (Long) CLOStrophobic 82
Arithmetic Numbers CLOStrophobic 151
Pangram Grep kg583 96
Arithmetic Numbers kg583 💎 135
Abundant Numbers (Long) kg583 🥇 75
Abundant Numbers kg583 🥉 74
Musical Chords CLOStrophobic 419
Levenshtein Distance edsrzf 🥈 221
CSS Colors CLOStrophobic 1,310
λ CLOStrophobic 391
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard CLOStrophobic 299
Reverse Polish Notation edsrzf 🥉 140
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard edsrzf 322
DFA Simulator kg583 💎 218