Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Partition Numbers Shanethegamer 147
Christmas Trees edsrzf 🥈 108
ASCII Table edsrzf 🥈 129
Game of Life edsrzf 🥉 132
Partition Numbers KatieLG 655
Ordinal Numbers GolfingSuccess 113
Billiards emgordon154 💎 172
Semiprime Numbers HumanoidCPU 12,797
𝑒 gigaprofisi 1,013
Partition Numbers dokutan 655
Arrows emgordon154 183
Tutorial gigaprofisi 151
Ordinal Numbers edsrzf 🥈 92
ISBN edsrzf 💎 119
Partition Numbers edsrzf 💎 98
Partition Numbers error256 🥈 99
λ commandblockguy 1,014
Partition Numbers emgordon154 🥉 118
Partition Numbers MeWhenI 655
Spelling Numbers GolfingSuccess 🥇 100
Card Number Validation edsrzf 🥉 118
Quine JunkIce 67
N Queens edsrzf 💎 148
Odd Polyomino Tiling HumanoidCPU 21,439
Abundant Numbers (Long) zacjl 🥇 73
CSS Colors edsrzf 758
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard edsrzf 🥈 263
Minesweeper Shanethegamer 136
ISBN emgordon154 139
Levenshtein Distance edsrzf 🥈 157
Morse Decoder dokutan 249
Forsyth–Edwards Notation edsrzf 💎 149
Zodiac Signs edsrzf 💎 198
ROT13 dokutan 147
Niven Numbers edsrzf 🥇 54
12 Days of Christmas edsrzf 💎 339
λ acotis 1,013
Prime Numbers acotis 82
Tongue-twisters edsrzf 💎 311
Pascal’s Triangle Maximizer02 119
99 Bottles of Beer Shanethegamer 🥈 250
Tic-tac-toe emgordon154 🥉 101
Tic-tac-toe Shanethegamer 163
Emojify emgordon154 284
Game of Life emgordon154 173
DFA Simulator emgordon154 💎 216
United States edsrzf 💎 127
Prime Numbers (Long) DialFrost 70
Look and Say error256 91
Kaprekar Numbers zacjl 💎 106
99 Bottles of Beer edsrzf 💎 240
Diamonds edsrzf 🥈 123
SI Units edsrzf 💎 581
Tutorial targrik 151
Arabic to Roman GolfingSuccess 🥇 73
Reversi edsrzf 174
Roman to Arabic edsrzf 💎 100
Fizz Buzz voytxt 91
Morse Decoder edsrzf 💎 171
Odious Numbers (Long) zacjl 🥇 49
Evil Numbers (Long) zacjl 🥇 49
Evil Numbers zacjl 🥇 48
Medal Tally edsrzf 🥉 185
Emirp Numbers edsrzf 🥇 75
Fractions edsrzf 🥇 74
Prime Numbers edsrzf 🥇 47
United States dokutan 236
Look and Say edsrzf 🥇 82
24 Game emgordon154 🥈 257
γ sciencejiho 1,013
λ sciencejiho 1,014
Emojify error256 🥉 191
Tic-tac-toe Maximizer02 482
Hilbert Curve dokutan 655
Quine emgordon154 47