Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
ISBN AdrienHache 💎 46
τ Mabeloid 1,024
Fibonacci AdrienHache 🥉 38
γ voytxt 1,021
π Herbert00709 152
Niven Numbers (Long) AdrienHache 💎 43
Niven Numbers AdrienHache 💎 41
Jacobi Symbol nipzu 🥈 98
Collatz nipzu 🥉 48
CSS Colors AdrienHache 🥈 537
Abundant Numbers (Long) AdrienHache 💎 46
Abundant Numbers AdrienHache 💎 44
Fizz Buzz CaedenHarper 435
Ten-pin Bowling CatsAreFluffy 🥉 143
Cubes CatsAreFluffy 🥉 212
Transpose Sentence CatsAreFluffy 🥉 50
PalindromemordnilaP lyphyser 💎 59
PalindromemordnilaP AdrienHache 🥈 65
Rijndael S-box AdrienHache 💎 53
γ snoozingnewt 1,024
Pangram Grep lyphyser 💎 32
Niven Numbers lyphyser 🥈 42
Happy Numbers AdrienHache 🥇 51
Pernicious Numbers AdrienHache 🥇 35
Arithmetic Numbers AdrienHache 🥇 55
Roman to Arabic AdrienHache 💎 68
Cubes AdrienHache 💎 113
ASCII Table piano-miles 190
Rule 110 AdrienHache 85
Number Spiral AdrienHache 🥈 69
Divisors AdrienHache 🥇 44
Polyominoes KatieLG-Transpiler 3,587
N Queens KatieLG-Transpiler 1,269
Fizz Buzz KatieLG-Transpiler 436
Factorial Factorisation KatieLG-Transpiler 885
Sierpiński Triangle AdrienHache 🥉 47
Reverse Polish Notation AdrienHache 🥉 88
Pangram Grep AdrienHache 🥈 35
Pascal’s Triangle AdrienHache 🥉 68
Day of Week AdrienHache 💎 135
Cubes lyphyser 🥈 139
Fizz Buzz AdrienHache 🥈 69
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar AdrienHache 🥉 107
Tongue-twisters dokutan 536
Rule 110 dokutan 15,865
Rijndael S-box dokutan 781
Prime Numbers dokutan 82
Polyominoes dokutan 🥈 3,577
Pernicious Numbers dokutan 111
Odious Numbers dokutan 84
Niven Numbers dokutan 102
Happy Numbers dokutan 118
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar dokutan 5,732
Fizz Buzz dokutan 426
Fibonacci dokutan 145
Factorial Factorisation dokutan 875
Emirp Numbers dokutan 147
Cubes dokutan 4,114
99 Bottles of Beer dokutan 11,898
12 Days of Christmas dokutan 2,382
Evil Numbers dokutan 81
Abundant Numbers dokutan 174
Sudoku lyphyser 💎 290
Divisors bitsandbeyond 1,207
Polyominoes lyphyser 💎 111
Polyominoes MeWhenI 3,578
Polyominoes KatieLG 3,587
Polyominoes HumanoidCPU 🥈 3,577
Vampire Numbers sean-niemann 🥉 232
Transpose Sentence lyphyser 💎 42
Rijndael S-box sean-niemann 69
Evil Numbers (Long) dokutan 1,072
Odious Numbers (Long) dokutan 1,069
Transpose Sentence AdrienHache 🥈 45
Fibonacci Maximizer02 155