Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Floyd-Steinberg Dithering lyphyser 103
Snake lyphyser 73
Arabic to Roman CatsAreFluffy 🥈 104
Catalan’s Constant gigaprofisi 1,024
Partition Numbers KatieLG 670
Semiprime Numbers HumanoidCPU 12,802
Partition Numbers dokutan 🥈 421
𝑒 gigaprofisi 1,024
Tutorial gigaprofisi 111
Partition Numbers MeWhenI 661
τ gigaprofisi 1,029
π gigaprofisi 1,029
Quine JunkIce 364
Fibonacci PyryL 100
Divisors dokutan 136
Odious Numbers dokutan 55
Evil Numbers dokutan 55
Evil Numbers (Long) dokutan 57
Odious Numbers (Long) dokutan 57
Pernicious Numbers dokutan 71
Pernicious Numbers (Long) dokutan 74
Tic-tac-toe CatsAreFluffy 🥉 95
Arithmetic Numbers Maltaran 🥉 67
Abundant Numbers (Long) Maltaran 🥉 62
Abundant Numbers Maltaran 60
Prime Numbers acotis 105
Connect Four lyphyser 120
Recamán lyphyser 🥇 49
Arithmetic Numbers lyphyser 🥇 54
Hexdump lyphyser 💎 107
Repeating Decimals Maltaran 🥈 139
Tutorial targrik 123
Apéry’s Constant lyphyser 78
Rijndael S-box lyphyser 💎 52
Gray Code Encoder lyphyser 46
Gray Code Decoder lyphyser 45
Minesweeper lyphyser 74
Scrambled Alphabetization lyphyser 100
Hilbert Curve lyphyser 133
p-adic Expansion lyphyser 113
Calendar lyphyser 173
Day of Week lyphyser 💎 131
Fractions lyphyser 💎 67
Kolakoski Sequence lyphyser 💎 30
Mandelbrot lyphyser 102
Tutorial lyphyser 55
Jacobi Symbol lyphyser 💎 87
Set lyphyser 78
Star Wars GPT lyphyser 106
Forsyth–Edwards Notation lyphyser 💎 69
DFA Simulator lyphyser 💎 85
Number Spiral lyphyser 💎 62
Van Eck Sequence lyphyser 💎 46
Intersection lyphyser 🥇 84
Emirp Numbers (Long) lyphyser 🥈 68
Emirp Numbers lyphyser 🥈 68
Partition Numbers lyphyser 💎 60
Hilbert Curve HumanoidCPU 5,131
Tic-tac-toe AdrienHache 🥈 77
Highly Composite Numbers HumanoidCPU 405
Tic-tac-toe lyphyser 💎 51
Pangram Grep prplz 50
Rijndael S-box prplz 64
Quine CaedenHarper 345
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar jared-hughes 🥈 96
Fizz Buzz jared-hughes 77
Catalan Numbers CaedenHarper 2,893
Tongue-twisters CaedenHarper 544
Ascending Primes CaedenHarper 533
Gijswijt’s Sequence CaedenHarper 2,021
Emirp Numbers (Long) CaedenHarper 1,177
Sierpiński Triangle CaedenHarper 575
Diamonds CaedenHarper 1,124
Leyland Numbers CaedenHarper 907
Niven Numbers (Long) CaedenHarper 7,459