Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
ROT13 error-could-not-find-name 78
Reverse Polish Notation gigaprofisi 5
Trinomial Triangle Shanethegamer 2,068
Happy Numbers (Long) edsrzf 28
Happy Numbers edsrzf 27
Tutorial edsrzf 25
π plcc0 37
Prime Numbers gigaprofisi 20
Partition Numbers KatieLG 648
Niven Numbers plcc0 🥇 21
𝑒 gigaprofisi 1,019
Quine 2bular 🥇 10
π JunkIce 1,004
Leap Years plcc0 26
Divisors plcc0 26
Semiprime Numbers HumanoidCPU 12,790
Kolakoski Sequence dokutan 256
Gijswijt’s Sequence dokutan 123
Tutorial 2bular 23
Diamonds plcc0 38
Christmas Trees plcc0 34
Tutorial gigaprofisi 29
Quine Natanaelel 15
Partition Numbers emgordon154 43
Partition Numbers pardouin 🥉 32
Partition Numbers ovs-code 💎 29
Partition Numbers saito-ta 🥈 30
Partition Numbers MeWhenI 33
Partition Numbers dokutan 612
Farey Sequence dokutan 90
ASCII Table plcc0 89
Quine plcc0 18
Scrambled Alphabetization plcc0 24
Diamonds ovs-code 40
Forsyth–Edwards Notation ovs-code 🥈 58
Transpose Sentence plcc0 🥇 15
Fibonacci plcc0 17
Fizz Buzz plcc0 🥇 36
Star Wars Opening Crawl ovs-code 💎 98
Gray Code Decoder pardouin 20
Gray Code Encoder pardouin 19
Rule 110 ovs-code 🥉 49
Seven Segment ovs-code 🥈 61
Ten-pin Bowling ovs-code 💎 69
99 Bottles of Beer plcc0 185
Odd Polyomino Tiling HumanoidCPU 21,432
Tutorial emgordon154 26
Reverse Polish Notation plcc0 🥇 4
Prime Numbers acotis 76
brainfuck Natanaelel 78
Fizz Buzz GolfingSuccess 37
Tutorial targrik 121
Tutorial plcc0 23
Evil Numbers plcc0 18
Arabic to Roman ovs-code 🥈 54
Tic-tac-toe saito-ta 🥇 37
Mandelbrot HumanoidCPU 10,005
Hilbert Curve dokutan 603
Tic-tac-toe ovs-code 🥇 37
Tutorial MeWhenI 23
Tutorial DialFrost 29
Tutorial pardouin 23
Tutorial psethwick 30
Hilbert Curve HumanoidCPU 5,119
Levenshtein Distance GolfingSuccess 💎 55
Rijndael S-box CaedenHarper 107
Trinomial Triangle HumanoidCPU 2,068
99 Bottles of Beer CaedenHarper 202
Tic-tac-toe MeWhenI 🥉 65
Lucky Numbers CaedenHarper 35
φ CaedenHarper 26
Prime Numbers CaedenHarper 20
Prime Numbers (Long) CaedenHarper 20
Zeckendorf Representation primo-ppcg 🥇 35
Pascal’s Triangle ovs-code 🥇 23