stefangimmillaro (he/him)





112 / 112 Holes


25 / 61 Langs


55 / 77 Cheevos


Holes Authored


annaproxy solved ROT13 in Prolog
annaproxy solved ROT13 in Python
primo-ppcg solved Transpose Sentence in GolfScript
primo-ppcg solved Transpose Sentence in Perl
primo-ppcg earned ๐Ÿ’ฏ Centenarian
primo-ppcg solved Levenshtein Distance in Pascal
primo-ppcg solved Ascending Primes in Raku
sean-niemann solved Morse Decoder in JavaScript
primo-ppcg solved Ascending Primes in Perl
sean-niemann solved DFA Simulator in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Hexdump in JavaScript
primo-ppcg solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Perl
sean-niemann solved Factorial Factorisation in JavaScript
primo-ppcg solved Lucky Tickets in Factor
primo-ppcg solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Perl
primo-ppcg solved Rule 110 in Bash
sean-niemann solved SI Units in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Poker in JavaScript
SirBogman solved ROT13 in COBOL
sean-niemann solved Ten-pin Bowling in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Musical Chords in JavaScript
primo-ppcg solved ROT13 in Fortran
sean-niemann solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Tcl
sean-niemann solved Prime Numbers in PowerShell
sean-niemann solved Abundant Numbers in PowerShell
sean-niemann solved Niven Numbers (Long) in R
sean-niemann solved Niven Numbers (Long) in PowerShell
sean-niemann solved Niven Numbers (Long) in D
sean-niemann solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Python
primo-ppcg solved ROT13 in Python
primo-ppcg solved ROT13 in Ruby
primo-ppcg solved ROT13 in PHP
sean-niemann solved Morse Decoder in Civet
sean-niemann solved Jacobi Symbol in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Zodiac Signs in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Zodiac Signs in Civet
msbranicky solved Factorial Factorisation in Wren
msbranicky solved Maze in Wren
msbranicky solved Game of Life in Wren
msbranicky solved Card Number Validation in Wren
msbranicky solved Sierpiล„ski Triangle in Wren
msbranicky solved Billiards in Wren
msbranicky solved Cubes in Wren
msbranicky solved ASCII Table in Wren
msbranicky solved 12 Days of Christmas in Wren
msbranicky solved Number Spiral in Berry
msbranicky solved Cubes in Berry
msbranicky solved 12 Days of Christmas in Berry
primo-ppcg solved ROT13 in Perl
lynn solved ASCII Table in Haskell
sean-niemann solved Partition Numbers in Swift
sean-niemann solved Placeholder in Wren
sean-niemann solved Prime Numbers in Swift
sean-niemann solved Prime Numbers (Long) in R
sean-niemann solved Prime Numbers in R
sean-niemann solved ฮป in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Vampire Numbers in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Sudoku (Fill-in) in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Spelling Numbers in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Rijndael S-box in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Proximity Grid in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Number Spiral in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Arrows in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Medal Tally in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Gijswijtโ€™s Sequence in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Cubes in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved ASCII Table in jq
sean-niemann solved ASCII Table in Berry
sean-niemann solved ASCII Table in C
sean-niemann solved ASCII Table in D
sean-niemann solved ASCII Table in C++
sean-niemann solved ASCII Table in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved ASCII Table in Wren
sean-niemann solved Tic-tac-toe in Python
sean-niemann solved United States in Coconut
msbranicky solved Leap Years in Gleam
sean-niemann solved Arithmetic Numbers in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Arithmetic Numbers in Python
sean-niemann solved Arithmetic Numbers in Wren
sean-niemann solved Tongue-twisters in Wren
sean-niemann solved Intersection in Wren
sean-niemann solved Seven Segment in Wren
sean-niemann solved Recamรกn in Wren
sean-niemann solved Transpose Sentence in Wren
sean-niemann solved Ordinal Numbers in Wren
sean-niemann solved Arabic to Roman in Wren
sean-niemann solved Billiards in Wren
sean-niemann solved Smith Numbers in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved ROT13 in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved QR Decoder in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Morse Encoder in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Happy Numbers in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Arabic to Roman in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Seven Segment in Java
sean-niemann solved Seven Segment in D
sean-niemann solved Seven Segment in Go
sean-niemann solved Seven Segment in Berry