stefangimmillaro (he/him)





102 / 106 Holes


23 / 55 Langs


49 / 70 Cheevos


Holes Authored


MeWhenI solved Transpose Sentence in VimL
sean-niemann solved Game of Life in JavaScript
MeWhenI solved Transpose Sentence in Nim
MeWhenI solved Arabic to Roman in Nim
MeWhenI solved brainfuck in Nim
MeWhenI solved Christmas Trees in Nim
MeWhenI solved Cubes in Nim
MeWhenI solved Day of Week in Nim
MeWhenI solved Diamonds in Nim
MeWhenI solved Game of Life in Nim
MeWhenI solved Maze in Nim
MeWhenI solved Morse Decoder in Nim
MeWhenI solved Morse Encoder in Nim
MeWhenI solved Ordinal Numbers in Nim
MeWhenI solved Pangram Grep in Nim
MeWhenI solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Nim
MeWhenI solved Quine in Nim
MeWhenI solved Reverse Polish Notation in Nim
MeWhenI solved Reversi in Nim
MeWhenI solved Seven Segment in Nim
MeWhenI solved SI Units in Nim
MeWhenI solved Spelling Numbers in Nim
MeWhenI solved Star Wars Opening Crawl in Nim
MeWhenI solved Sudoku in Nim
MeWhenI solved Sudoku v2 in Nim
MeWhenI solved Time Distance in Nim
MeWhenI solved Tongue-twisters in Nim
MeWhenI solved Zeckendorf Representation in Nim
MeWhenI solved United States in Nim
MichalMarsalek solved Transpose Sentence in Nim
sean-niemann solved Zodiac Signs in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Zodiac Signs in Python
sean-niemann solved Seven Segment in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Ο† in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Ο„ in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Ο€ in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Van Eck Sequence in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Vampire Numbers in Coconut
sean-niemann solved United States in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Tongue-twisters in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Seven Segment in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Rule 110 in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Roman to Arabic in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Reverse Polish Notation in Python
sean-niemann solved RecamΓ‘n in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Proximity Grid in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Pascal’s Triangle in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Pangram Grep in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Ordinal Numbers in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Morse Encoder in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Lucky Numbers in Coconut
sean-niemann solved ln 2 in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Leyland Numbers in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Kolakoski Sequence in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Kolakoski Constant in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Inventory Sequence in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Hexdump in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Gijswijt’s Sequence in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Fractions in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Fizz Buzz in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Farey Sequence in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Emirp Numbers in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Divisors in Coconut
sean-niemann solved DFA Simulator in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Day of Week in Coconut
MeWhenI solved Transpose Sentence in Janet
MeWhenI solved Transpose Sentence in sed
MeWhenI solved Transpose Sentence in V
MeWhenI solved Transpose Sentence in C++
MeWhenI solved Transpose Sentence in C
MeWhenI solved Transpose Sentence in JavaScript
MeWhenI solved Transpose Sentence in Coconut
MeWhenI solved Transpose Sentence in Python
sean-niemann solved Collatz in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Christmas Trees in Python
sean-niemann solved brainfuck in Coconut
MeWhenI solved Transpose Sentence in BASIC
sean-niemann solved Ascending Primes in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Arithmetic Numbers in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Coconut
sean-niemann solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Coconut
sean-niemann solved 12 Days of Christmas in Coconut
sean-niemann solved Arrows in Coconut
msbranicky solved Catalan Numbers in V
sean-niemann solved Arrows in Ruby
sean-niemann solved Arrows in Python
sean-niemann solved Arrows in Crystal
sean-niemann solved Arrows in C#
sean-niemann solved Arrows in Java
SirBogman solved Transpose Sentence in J
lynn solved Transpose Sentence in Ruby
hallvabo solved Transpose Sentence in Python
sean-niemann solved ASCII Table in Coconut
sean-niemann solved ASCII Table in Python
sean-niemann solved Transpose Sentence in JavaScript
SirBogman solved Transpose Sentence in K
sean-niemann solved Cubes in GolfScript