Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Sierpiński Triangle sean-niemann 🥉 111
Pernicious Numbers (Long) dokutan 129
Partition Numbers JayXon 🥇 111
Smith Numbers MeWhenI 160
Game of Life edsrzf 194
Partition Numbers KatieLG 694
ASCII Table edsrzf 🥇 154
Fibonacci boykonet 239
Partition Numbers ovs-code 🥇 111
Partition Numbers pardouin 🥇 111
12 Days of Christmas edsrzf 518
Tic-tac-toe JayXon 💎 153
Semiprime Numbers HumanoidCPU 12,836
ISBN HumanoidCPU 179
Partition Numbers dokutan 694
Tic-tac-toe keelimeguy 🥈 155
Evil Numbers anter69 144
𝑒 gigaprofisi 1,057
Tutorial gigaprofisi 275
Partition Numbers stefangimmillaro 112
Partition Numbers emgordon154 128
Partition Numbers MeWhenI 694
Tutorial stefangimmillaro 119
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar ibeucaly 180
Tutorial plcc0 131
Quine JunkIce 114
Odd Polyomino Tiling HumanoidCPU 21,478
Ten-pin Bowling edsrzf 285
brainfuck KasperKivimaeki 🥈 260
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar martindotexe 182
Happy Numbers JunkIce 135
Partition Numbers edsrzf 115
Tutorial JunkIce 143
ISBN emgordon154 180
Prime Numbers acotis 149
Day of Week GolfingSuccess 🥇 118
Fizz Buzz martindotexe 136
Happy Numbers yhm138 361
Lucky Numbers yhm138 1,269
Happy Numbers (Long) yhm138 363
Hexdump JayXon 🥈 225
SI Units edsrzf 💎 644
Emirp Numbers yhm138 1,295
Happy Numbers error256 110
Lucky Numbers error256 2,761
Tutorial GolfingSuccess 119
Tutorial xyangst 133
Tutorial targrik 275
Morse Decoder edsrzf 🥈 214
Rijndael S-box edsrzf 🥉 174
Rijndael S-box JayXon 🥈 170
γ sciencejiho 1,055
λ sciencejiho 1,055
Quine 0xjac 🥇 112
Tutorial voytxt 126
Fibonacci Maximizer02 91
Lucky Numbers acotis 5,873
Happy Numbers acotis 192
Snake JRaspass 934
United States dokutan 1,077
Emojify dokutan 570
Morse Decoder dokutan 836
Morse Encoder dokutan 1,007
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard dokutan 829
CSS Colors dokutan 3,774
Abundant Numbers Ripick 124
Tic-tac-toe edsrzf 252
Sierpiński Triangle CaedenHarper 276
Tic-tac-toe sean-niemann 🥉 170
Tic-tac-toe stefangimmillaro 🥉 170
Tic-tac-toe MeWhenI 185
Proximity Grid MeWhenI 🥉 265
Tic-tac-toe Shanethegamer 198
Hilbert Curve HumanoidCPU 5,165
Quine keelimeguy 🥇 112