Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Abundant Numbers (Long) edsrzf 111
Farey Sequence DialFrost 💎 97
Abundant Numbers edsrzf 101
Leyland Numbers DialFrost 137
Fibonacci DialFrost 71
Niven Numbers DialFrost 77
Leap Years DialFrost 84
Fizz Buzz DialFrost 151
Partition Numbers KatieLG 654
Fibonacci andrewjc2000 79
Game of Life edsrzf 🥉 280
brainfuck edsrzf 🥈 475
Abundant Numbers sean-niemann 🥉 91
Abundant Numbers (Long) sean-niemann 106
Partition Numbers UnderKoen 💎 179
𝑒 gigaprofisi 1,024
Time Distance emgordon154 🥈 383
ASCII Table edsrzf 🥉 165
Fractions edsrzf 153
Forsyth–Edwards Notation edsrzf 💎 185
Hexdump edsrzf 🥉 260
Evil Numbers edsrzf 77
Odious Numbers edsrzf 79
Niven Numbers edsrzf 86
Happy Numbers edsrzf 95
Emirp Numbers edsrzf 🥉 115
Forsyth–Edwards Notation m-tkach 🥈 193
Tutorial DialFrost 62
Semiprime Numbers HumanoidCPU 12,796
Partition Numbers dokutan 654
Partition Numbers edsrzf 🥈 189
Tutorial gigaprofisi 329
Morse Encoder edsrzf 💎 343
ROT13 edsrzf 🥉 178
Partition Numbers emgordon154 🥉 506
Catalan Numbers emgordon154 💎 1,634
Partition Numbers MeWhenI 654
Quine GolfingSuccess 🥇 67
Quine JunkIce 73
Card Number Validation edsrzf 🥉 135
Pascal’s Triangle edsrzf 159
Christmas Trees edsrzf 193
Highly Composite Numbers UnderKoen 286
N Queens edsrzf 💎 239
Christmas Trees MeWhenI 378
Odd Polyomino Tiling HumanoidCPU 21,438
Emojify edsrzf 🥉 203
Leyland Numbers edsrzf 🥈 114
Tongue-twisters edsrzf 🥈 385
Happy Numbers JunkIce 174
Fizz Buzz edsrzf 105
Morse Decoder edsrzf 💎 289
Farey Sequence edsrzf 🥈 99
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard edsrzf 💎 278
Prime Numbers edsrzf 78
Intersection edsrzf 🥇 157
Medal Tally edsrzf 🥈 245
ISBN edsrzf 147
Reverse Polish Notation edsrzf 🥈 282
ISBN emgordon154 156
SI Units edsrzf 💎 610
Tutorial edsrzf 58
Divisors edsrzf 111
SI Units UnderKoen 🥈 668
Fibonacci edsrzf 70
Quine edsrzf 🥇 67
Day of Week yhm138 163
Tutorial targrik 58
Reverse Polish Notation m-tkach 💎 226
Fizz Buzz m-tkach 🥇 94
Inventory Sequence dokutan 1,712
Reverse Polish Notation UnderKoen 🥉 284
ROT13 UnderKoen 🥈 145
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar UnderKoen 149
Fizz Buzz UnderKoen 🥇 94