Forsyth–Edwards Notation (FEN) is a standard notation for describing a
particular board position of a chess game.
The standard starting chess position is encoded as
rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
The first of the space separated groups is the main part which encodes the
physical positions of the pieces on the board.
Each rank (row) is described, starting with rank 8 and ending with rank 1;
within each rank, the contents of each square are described from file
(column) "a" through file "h". Each piece is identified by a single letter
taken from the standard English names (Pawn, kNight,
Bishop, Rook, Queen, King). White pieces are
designated using upper-case letters ("PNBRQK") while black pieces use
lowercase ("pnbrqk"). Empty squares are noted using digits 1 through 8
(the number of empty squares), and "/" separates ranks.
Given a FEN, output the board using the chess unicode characters and a space for empty squares. The output corresponding to the FEN of the starting position given above should be
♜♞♝♛♚♝♞♜ ♟♟♟♟♟♟♟♟ ♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙ ♖♘♗♕♔♗♘♖
External links: Wikipedia