sean-niemann πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ



102 / 102 Holes


45 / 55 Langs


62 / 67 Cheevos


MeWhenI solved Evil Numbers (Long) in brainfuck
MeWhenI solved Odious Numbers (Long) in brainfuck
MeWhenI solved Fibonacci in brainfuck
btnlq solved Ascending Primes in Rockstar
btnlq earned πŸ’― Centenarian
Lydxn solved CSS Colors in Python
Lydxn solved CSS Colors in Ruby
Lydxn solved CSS Colors in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved 24 Game in Berry
stefangimmillaro solved Emojify in Ruby
MeWhenI solved Niven Numbers (Long) in brainfuck
MeWhenI solved Happy Numbers (Long) in brainfuck
MeWhenI solved Prime Numbers (Long) in brainfuck
MeWhenI solved Reverse Polish Notation in Janet
MeWhenI solved 24 Game in Janet
MeWhenI solved 24 Game in Haskell
MeWhenI solved 24 Game in K
MeWhenI solved 24 Game in Perl
MeWhenI solved Factorial Factorisation in C#
inventshah solved Factorial Factorisation in sed
rhdqor213 solved Leyland Numbers in C
MeWhenI solved 24 Game in Swift
MeWhenI solved 24 Game in Berry
sisyphus-ppcg solved Ordinal Numbers in PHP
GrayJoKing solved Factorial Factorisation in Raku
stefangimmillaro solved Farey Sequence in Ruby
stefangimmillaro earned πŸ’― Centenarian
stefangimmillaro solved Factorial Factorisation in Swift
stefangimmillaro solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Swift
stefangimmillaro solved ln 2 in brainfuck
stefangimmillaro solved Ξ» in brainfuck
stefangimmillaro solved Ο„ in brainfuck
stefangimmillaro solved Ο† in brainfuck
stefangimmillaro solved Catalan’s Constant in brainfuck
stefangimmillaro solved Ξ³ in brainfuck
stefangimmillaro solved 𝑒 in brainfuck
GrayJoKing solved Factorial Factorisation in Lua
MeWhenI solved Factorial Factorisation in PowerShell
MeWhenI solved Factorial Factorisation in Crystal
MeWhenI solved Factorial Factorisation in C
MeWhenI solved Factorial Factorisation in C++
MeWhenI solved Factorial Factorisation in Coconut
MeWhenI solved Factorial Factorisation in Java
MeWhenI solved Factorial Factorisation in Swift
MeWhenI solved Factorial Factorisation in Python
sean-niemann solved Factorial Factorisation in C++
sean-niemann solved Factorial Factorisation in C
MeWhenI solved Factorial Factorisation in Ruby
MeWhenI solved Hexdump in D
MeWhenI solved ASCII Table in D
MeWhenI solved Factorial Factorisation in D
MeWhenI solved Factorial Factorisation in brainfuck
GrayJoKing solved Factorial Factorisation in Factor
rhdqor213 solved Factorial Factorisation in C
stefangimmillaro solved Factorial Factorisation in Python
stefangimmillaro solved Factorial Factorisation in Fortran
stefangimmillaro solved Factorial Factorisation in C#
stefangimmillaro solved Factorial Factorisation in Java
stefangimmillaro solved Factorial Factorisation in Rust
GrayJoKing solved Factorial Factorisation in Tcl
sean-niemann solved Factorial Factorisation in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Factorial Factorisation in C#
sean-niemann solved Factorial Factorisation in Java
GrayJoKing solved Factorial Factorisation in Nim
sean-niemann solved Smith Numbers in C#
sean-niemann solved Abundant Numbers in C#
sean-niemann solved Happy Numbers (Long) in C#
sean-niemann solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in C#
sean-niemann solved Prime Numbers (Long) in C#
sean-niemann solved Factorial Factorisation in AWK
sean-niemann solved Factorial Factorisation in D
GrayJoKing solved Spelling Numbers in Prolog
btnlq solved Emirp Numbers in Python
GrayJoKing solved Factorial Factorisation in Ruby
sisyphus-ppcg solved Maze in Perl
GrayJoKing solved Factorial Factorisation in ><>
GrayJoKing solved Factorial Factorisation in Python
xsot solved Maze in Python
GrayJoKing solved Factorial Factorisation in BASIC
Lydxn solved Roman to Arabic in PHP
Lydxn solved Happy Numbers (Long) in PHP
sisyphus-ppcg solved Roman to Arabic in PHP
sisyphus-ppcg solved Ο† in PHP
sisyphus-ppcg solved Happy Numbers (Long) in PHP
sean-niemann solved Ο„ in PHP
sean-niemann solved Ascending Primes in PHP
sean-niemann solved Happy Numbers (Long) in PHP
sean-niemann solved √2 in PHP
MeWhenI solved Factorial Factorisation in GolfScript
MeWhenI solved Sudoku in PHP
MeWhenI solved Ο„ in PHP
MeWhenI solved Ο€ in PHP
xsot solved Diamonds in PHP
inventshah solved Factorial Factorisation in Python
sean-niemann solved Factorial Factorisation in Swift
sean-niemann solved ln 2 in JavaScript
sean-niemann solved Factorial Factorisation in Berry
xsot solved Factorial Factorisation in AWK
xsot solved Factorial Factorisation in PHP
GrayJoKing solved Factorial Factorisation in Rockstar