Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Fizz Buzz aliakseikalosha 127
Rijndael S-box MostParsingVex 💎 146
Prime Numbers janAkali 50
Divisors janAkali 68
Day of Week stefangimmillaro 69
Quine CaedenHarper 87
Card Number Validation stefangimmillaro 114
Hexdump KatieLG 6,237
Card Number Validation Ripick 138
CSS Colors CaedenHarper 🥇 59
Arrows KatieLG 233
CSS Colors stefangimmillaro 🥇 59
Arithmetic Numbers janAkali 98
Card Number Validation JayXon 💎 102
Hexdump janAkali 330
Diamonds janAkali 182
Fizz Buzz snoozingnewt 72
Vampire Numbers dokutan 1,075
Van Eck Sequence dokutan 1,740
Tongue-twisters dokutan 494
24 Game dokutan 5,086
Smith Numbers dokutan 1,726
N Queens MostParsingVex 🥈 164
π janAkali 887
Sudoku janAkali 928
Rijndael S-box error256 🥈 173
ISBN janAkali 152
Reverse Polish Notation janAkali 208
brainfuck janAkali 348
Maze janAkali 221
Day of Week pardouin 🥇 66
Zeckendorf Representation sean-niemann 143
Odious Numbers (Long) sean-niemann 🥉 51
Evil Numbers (Long) sean-niemann 🥉 52
Abundant Numbers (Long) sean-niemann 70
Roman to Arabic DialFrost 🥉 112
Roman to Arabic sean-niemann 113
Card Number Validation janAkali 167
Pangram Grep CaedenHarper 150
CSS Colors xyangst 🥇 59
Quine janAkali 🥇 55
12 Days of Christmas janAkali 500
Recamán dokutan 855
Polyominoes dokutan 1,400
Pascal’s Triangle dokutan 748
N Queens dokutan 1,240
Lucky Numbers dokutan 3,662
Look and Say dokutan 738
Inventory Sequence dokutan 1,794
Factorial Factorisation dokutan 841
Emirp Numbers (Long) dokutan 1,026
Catalan Numbers dokutan 2,715
Ascending Primes dokutan 487
Prime Numbers pardouin 🥇 48
Kolakoski Sequence dokutan 356
Farey Sequence dokutan 2,882
Gijswijt’s Sequence dokutan 232
CSS Colors cdesodt 61
Gijswijt’s Sequence Mabeloid 2,009
Number Spiral Mabeloid 309
Prime Numbers Mabeloid 80
Prime Numbers (Long) Mabeloid 5,957
Emojify JayXon 💎 146
CSS Colors edsrzf 🥇 59
Pernicious Numbers Mabeloid 109
Pernicious Numbers (Long) Mabeloid 20,671
Pascal’s Triangle Mabeloid 778
Inventory Sequence Mabeloid 2,632
Card Number Validation sean-niemann 🥈 107
Emojify Ripick 🥉 275
Recamán Mabeloid 906
Van Eck Sequence Mabeloid 2,564
Cubes Mabeloid 4,110
Arithmetic Numbers Mabeloid 37,651
Fizz Buzz janAkali 72