Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
ROT13 MeWhenI 🥈 143
𝑒 Fishyfii 1,011
Levenshtein Distance whenaver 634
N Queens stefangimmillaro 🥈 172
ROT13 stefangimmillaro 💎 131
π AidanWalter 1,011
Levenshtein Distance AidanWalter 1,042
Roman to Arabic sean-niemann 🥈 110
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar sean-niemann 🥇 105
Abundant Numbers (Long) sean-niemann 🥇 67
Kolakoski Constant sean-niemann 💎 167
ln 2 sean-niemann 💎 136
τ sean-niemann 🥈 154
π sean-niemann 🥈 154
Van Eck Sequence sean-niemann 🥈 71
Recamán sean-niemann 77
Divisors sean-niemann 🥈 66
√2 sean-niemann 💎 143
Catalan’s Constant sean-niemann 🥈 173
φ sean-niemann 💎 148
Sudoku (Fill-in) KatieLG 3,238
Sudoku KatieLG 🥉 2,853
Number Spiral sean-niemann 🥈 127
Emirp Numbers sean-niemann 🥇 83
Tongue-twisters sean-niemann 385
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard sean-niemann 🥉 254
Lucky Tickets sean-niemann 🥈 190
Levenshtein Distance sean-niemann 💎 197
Jacobi Symbol sean-niemann 169
Intersection sean-niemann 162
Billiards sean-niemann 🥉 222
12 Days of Christmas sean-niemann 💎 460
Fractions sean-niemann 💎 128
Prime Numbers (Long) DialFrost 57
Pascal’s Triangle DialFrost 🥇 73
Happy Numbers sean-niemann 🥇 72
Fizz Buzz sean-niemann 🥇 67
12 Days of Christmas The-Wolfson 530
Billiards The-Wolfson 574
Lucky Tickets MeWhenI 208
SI Units stefangimmillaro 💎 645
ln 2 The-Wolfson 1,011
Factorial Factorisation The-Wolfson 870
Divisors The-Wolfson 73
Prime Numbers (Long) The-Wolfson 70
Prime Numbers The-Wolfson 68
Ordinal Numbers The-Wolfson 141
Christmas Trees The-Wolfson 132
√2 madeforlosers 1,011
Emojify The-Wolfson 391
τ madeforlosers 1,011
π madeforlosers 1,011
Fizz Buzz The-Wolfson 90
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar The-Wolfson 129
Leap Years The-Wolfson 63
Fibonacci The-Wolfson 61
Card Number Validation The-Wolfson 230
π The-Wolfson 1,011
τ The-Wolfson 1,011
ISBN The-Wolfson 157
Fibonacci whenaver 50
Quine lifthrasiir 63
Billiards stefangimmillaro 💎 202
Billiards KatieLG 14,223
Billiards MeWhenI 🥈 213
Zeckendorf Representation DialFrost 145
Quine NicknamedTwice 203
Fibonacci madeforlosers 48
Collatz madeforlosers 74
Maze stefangimmillaro 🥉 186
Levenshtein Distance edsrzf 249
Maze Shanethegamer 💎 153
Intersection stefangimmillaro 🥉 154
Kaprekar Numbers DialFrost 🥈 77
Time Distance stefangimmillaro 💎 261