Recent Solutions

Evil Numbers JohnyK41359
Fibonacci JohnyK41345
Abundant Numbers jipsong66
Abundant Numbers (Long) jipsong67
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar codingisgreatbutiamnot99
Arithmetic Numbers codingisgreatbutiamnot90
Diamonds codingisgreatbutiamnot177
Prime Numbers (Long) codingisgreatbutiamnot47
Inventory Sequence Bulmenisaurus93
Inventory Sequence codingisgreatbutiamnot73
ISBN emgordon154119
Mahjong Bulmenisaurus391
Star Wars Opening Crawl Steffan153283
Transpose Sentence firegene99
99 Bottles of Beer fourth-bit237
Intersection MunirKP132
Transpose Sentence MunirKP103
Transpose Sentence MeWhenI100
Recamán codingisgreatbutiamnot87
Pernicious Numbers (Long) codingisgreatbutiamnot64
Pernicious Numbers codingisgreatbutiamnot50
Leap Years MunirKP51
Hexdump jeff-at-tamer-dot-codes232
Arrows sean-niemann🥈 99
brainfuck kg583173
Transpose Sentence jeff-at-tamer-dot-codes113
Transpose Sentence Alex-x90107
12 Days of Christmas rucin93490
Emirp Numbers codingisgreatbutiamnot109
Emirp Numbers (Long) codingisgreatbutiamnot114
Factorial Factorisation codingisgreatbutiamnot194
Morse Decoder duckyluuk146
Transpose Sentence bnic24108
Leap Years codingisgreatbutiamnot53
Odious Numbers (Long) codingisgreatbutiamnot🥇 41
Odious Numbers codingisgreatbutiamnot🥇 40
Evil Numbers codingisgreatbutiamnot🥇 40
Zeckendorf Representation codingisgreatbutiamnot176
Arithmetic Numbers jipsong83
Spelling Numbers ImpressedByRocks428
Transpose Sentence hallvabo92
99 Bottles of Beer bob-th278
Van Eck Sequence bob-th75
Transpose Sentence Florian-Mt128
Recamán bob-th68
Transpose Sentence TobyBoyne96
Transpose Sentence OllieBoyne96
ASCII Table sean-niemann🥇 87
Emojify Seek64130
Transpose Sentence hellwue119
Transpose Sentence stertooy172
Transpose Sentence bob-th96
Forsyth–Edwards Notation emgordon154144
Transpose Sentence emgordon154103
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard CaedenHarper406
Van Eck Sequence DialFrost58
Niven Numbers (Long) cyxv60
Niven Numbers cyxv58
Transpose Sentence jipsong112
Odious Numbers (Long) cyxv52