Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Arithmetic Numbers kops-cg 77
Rijndael S-box sean-niemann 144
Snake AlephSquirrel 223
Tic-tac-toe hiichbindermax 170
Poker croc54 458
Card Number Validation vhoulbreque 123
Proximity Grid jameswmccarty 452
Quine Powerroff 35
Collatz CutSandstone 70
Collatz erikji 70
Rule 110 CLOStrophobic 312
Smith Numbers sean-niemann 120
Tic-tac-toe vhoulbreque 163
Collatz Vexxter9 83
brainfuck Bulmenisaurus 188
Tic-tac-toe bricknellj 101
Morse Decoder dokutan 212
Polyominoes emgordon154 453
Odious Numbers (Long) Emutis 52
Billiards marcin7Cd 244
Reversi sean-niemann 124
Emojify emgordon154 177
Kaprekar Numbers m-tkach 86
Christmas Trees erikji 85
Abundant Numbers erikji 75
Calendar dokutan 159
Reverse Polish Notation Kacarott 115
Tic-tac-toe jameswmccarty 179
Sudoku (Fill-in) ovs-code 172
Zeckendorf Representation sean-niemann 118
Sudoku ovs-code 🥈 309
Morse Decoder Seek64 144
12 Days of Christmas sean-niemann 432
Tic-tac-toe nstearns96 175
Card Number Validation Emutis 133
Game of Life firegene 171
ISBN Emutis 105
Leyland Numbers Emutis 91
Quine tte0 32
Arabic to Roman tpepython 440
12 Days of Christmas andyxukq 561
Musical Chords madex 355
Tic-tac-toe Bulmenisaurus 108
Tic-tac-toe JayXon 🥇 95
ROT13 prplz 🥇 68
Polyominoes sean-niemann 165
Divisors CodyKlingler 70
Fizz Buzz Gameknight-Bit 64
Fizz Buzz CLOStrophobic 59
Factorial Factorisation emgordon154 130
Hexagonal Spiral HumanoidCPU 1,148
Transpose Sentence sean-niemann 🥈 89
12 Days of Christmas erikji 465
Emojify Emutis 322
Evil Numbers Natanaelel 🥇 40
Factorial Factorisation ahmetdemirag 134
brainfuck maxgodfrey2004 219
Scrambled Alphabetization DialFrost 96
Christmas Trees Emutis 89
Snake GolfingSuccess 426
Tic-tac-toe ImpressedByRocks 131
Tic-tac-toe anter69 107
SI Units croc54 1,169
Reversi croc54 403
Arabic to Roman Seek64 140
Tutorial anter69 67
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar Emutis 91
Fizz Buzz Emutis 62
Divisors Emutis 74
Rule 110 edsrzf 96
Fizz Buzz eTrey13 82
N Queens sean-niemann 114
Set Shanethegamer 130
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar noahdorsch 268
Factorial Factorisation sean-niemann 98