

Aiming to get every hole, lang and cheevo. Wish me luck.


80 / 106 Holes


55 / 55 Langs


52 / 70 Cheevos


HumanoidCPU earned 🍷 Aged like Fine Wine
HumanoidCPU solved Transpose Sentence in Coconut
HumanoidCPU solved Transpose Sentence in Python
HumanoidCPU earned 🚒 Phileas Fogg
HumanoidCPU earned ☣️ Biohazard
HumanoidCPU solved Intersection in Coconut
HumanoidCPU solved Intersection in Python
HumanoidCPU earned 2 achievements: πŸ₯ͺ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
HumanoidCPU earned πŸ₯ͺ SmΓΆrgΓ₯sbord
HumanoidCPU earned πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Independence Day
HumanoidCPU solved Arithmetic Numbers in K
HumanoidCPU solved Lucky Numbers in K
HumanoidCPU solved Van Eck Sequence in K
HumanoidCPU solved Inventory Sequence in K
HumanoidCPU solved Collatz in K
HumanoidCPU solved Gijswijt’s Sequence in K
HumanoidCPU solved Smith Numbers in K
HumanoidCPU solved Leap Years in K
HumanoidCPU solved RecamΓ‘n in K
HumanoidCPU solved N Queens in K
HumanoidCPU solved Leyland Numbers in K
HumanoidCPU solved Ascending Primes in K
HumanoidCPU solved Vampire Numbers in K
HumanoidCPU solved Fibonacci in K
HumanoidCPU solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in K
HumanoidCPU solved Abundant Numbers in K
HumanoidCPU solved Prime Numbers (Long) in K
HumanoidCPU solved Prime Numbers in K
HumanoidCPU solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in K
HumanoidCPU solved Pernicious Numbers in K
HumanoidCPU solved Evil Numbers (Long) in K
HumanoidCPU solved Evil Numbers in K
HumanoidCPU solved Odious Numbers (Long) in K
HumanoidCPU solved Odious Numbers in K
HumanoidCPU solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in K
HumanoidCPU solved Emirp Numbers in K
HumanoidCPU solved Niven Numbers in K
HumanoidCPU solved Happy Numbers (Long) in K
HumanoidCPU solved Happy Numbers in K
HumanoidCPU solved Pangram Grep in C++
HumanoidCPU solved Pangram Grep in Ruby
HumanoidCPU solved Pangram Grep in Go
HumanoidCPU solved ASCII Table in J
HumanoidCPU solved Pernicious Numbers in J
HumanoidCPU solved Prime Numbers in Ruby
HumanoidCPU solved Prime Numbers in J
HumanoidCPU solved Leap Years in J
HumanoidCPU solved Niven Numbers in J
HumanoidCPU solved Ascending Primes in J
HumanoidCPU solved Odious Numbers in J
HumanoidCPU solved Evil Numbers in J
HumanoidCPU solved Abundant Numbers in J
HumanoidCPU solved Emirp Numbers in J
HumanoidCPU solved Fibonacci in J
HumanoidCPU solved Happy Numbers in J
HumanoidCPU earned πŸ˜› Just Kidding
HumanoidCPU solved Fizz Buzz in J
HumanoidCPU solved Ο€ in Ruby
HumanoidCPU solved Ο€ in Java
HumanoidCPU solved Ο€ in JavaScript
HumanoidCPU solved Ο€ in Coconut
HumanoidCPU solved Ο€ in Python
HumanoidCPU solved Quine in J
HumanoidCPU solved Quine in PowerShell
HumanoidCPU solved Roman to Arabic in PowerShell
HumanoidCPU solved Zeckendorf Representation in Coconut
HumanoidCPU solved Zeckendorf Representation in Python
HumanoidCPU solved Pangram Grep in PowerShell
HumanoidCPU solved Arabic to Roman in PowerShell
HumanoidCPU solved Fizz Buzz in PowerShell
HumanoidCPU solved Fizz Buzz in Julia
HumanoidCPU solved Evil Numbers in D
HumanoidCPU solved Odious Numbers in D
HumanoidCPU solved Emirp Numbers in D
HumanoidCPU solved Niven Numbers in D
HumanoidCPU solved Tongue-twisters in D
HumanoidCPU solved Abundant Numbers in D
HumanoidCPU solved Fibonacci in D
HumanoidCPU solved Number Spiral in D
HumanoidCPU solved Ξ» in D
HumanoidCPU solved Ascending Primes in D
HumanoidCPU solved 12 Days of Christmas in D
HumanoidCPU solved Christmas Trees in D
HumanoidCPU solved Happy Numbers (Long) in D
HumanoidCPU solved Factorial Factorisation in D
HumanoidCPU solved SierpiΕ„ski Triangle in D
HumanoidCPU solved Rijndael S-box in D
HumanoidCPU solved Vampire Numbers in D
HumanoidCPU solved Leyland Numbers in D
HumanoidCPU solved N Queens in D
HumanoidCPU solved Catalan’s Constant in D
HumanoidCPU solved Kolakoski Constant in D
HumanoidCPU solved Ξ³ in D
HumanoidCPU solved Ο„ in D
HumanoidCPU solved Diamonds in D
HumanoidCPU solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in D
HumanoidCPU solved Leap Years in D
HumanoidCPU solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in D
HumanoidCPU solved ln 2 in D
HumanoidCPU solved 𝑒 in D
HumanoidCPU solved √2 in D