Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Abundant Numbers (Long) themoonisacheese 15
Odious Numbers themoonisacheese 14
Evil Numbers (Long) themoonisacheese 18
Evil Numbers themoonisacheese 18
Odious Numbers (Long) themoonisacheese 13
Card Number Validation themoonisacheese 39
Pernicious Numbers (Long) themoonisacheese 14
Pernicious Numbers themoonisacheese 14
Abundant Numbers themoonisacheese 16
Rijndael S-box themoonisacheese 548
Transpose Sentence themoonisacheese 14
Emirp Numbers themoonisacheese 22
Reverse Polish Notation themoonisacheese 22
Quine themoonisacheese 11
Tutorial gigaprofisi 80
Leap Years themoonisacheese 43
Divisors themoonisacheese 10
Fizz Buzz themoonisacheese 24
Partition Numbers themoonisacheese 649
Fizz Buzz RedzGoose 51
12 Days of Christmas themoonisacheese 676
𝑒 themoonisacheese 23
ln 2 themoonisacheese 27
Tongue-twisters themoonisacheese 439
Tongue-twisters dokutan 476
99 Bottles of Beer themoonisacheese 322
Odd Polyomino Tiling HumanoidCPU 21,433
Prime Numbers (Long) themoonisacheese 10
Prime Numbers themoonisacheese 11
Collatz themoonisacheese 41
Fibonacci themoonisacheese 19
Semiprime Numbers plcc0 17
Tutorial RedzGoose 30
Leap Years RedzGoose 35
Highly Composite Numbers plcc0 387
Apéry’s Constant HumanoidCPU 1,005
Partition Numbers HumanoidCPU 649
√2 DialFrost 25
Semiprime Numbers RubenVerg 29
Tutorial themoonisacheese 15
φ themoonisacheese 23
τ themoonisacheese 26
π themoonisacheese 23
√2 themoonisacheese 25
Tutorial plcc0 13
Leap Years plcc0 31
Fibonacci RedzGoose 19
Rule 110 HumanoidCPU 15,854
Leyland Numbers HumanoidCPU 888
Tutorial emgordon154 13
Tutorial GolfingSuccess 12
Tic-tac-toe lyxal 64
Tutorial targrik 28
Tutorial MeWhenI 27
Niven Numbers plcc0 14
Quine plcc0 11
Divisors plcc0 10
Transpose Sentence plcc0 13
Fizz Buzz HumanoidCPU 415
Tutorial HumanoidCPU 27
Transpose Sentence DialFrost 16
Levenshtein Distance DialFrost 11
Levenshtein Distance lyxal 10
Tongue-twisters lyxal 476
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar lyxal 47
Look and Say lyxal 21
12 Days of Christmas Shanethegamer 2,371
Look and Say emgordon154 28
Tutorial DialFrost 14
Niven Numbers DialFrost 13
Niven Numbers (Long) lyxal 11
ROT13 lyxal 19
PalindromemordnilaP lyxal 21
Fizz Buzz lyxal 21
Leap Years lyxal 33