Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
Niven Numbers (Long) themoonisacheese 7
Niven Numbers themoonisacheese 6
12 Days of Christmas HumanoidCPU 2,371
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar themoonisacheese 26
𝑒 gigaprofisi 1,005
Abundant Numbers plcc0 9
Prime Numbers plcc0 5
Odious Numbers plcc0 8
Leap Years themoonisacheese 24
Emirp Numbers (Long) themoonisacheese 12
Pernicious Numbers plcc0 8
Cubes HumanoidCPU 2,829
Fizz Buzz plcc0 13
Evil Numbers plcc0 9
Abundant Numbers (Long) themoonisacheese 9
Odious Numbers themoonisacheese 8
Evil Numbers (Long) themoonisacheese 10
Evil Numbers themoonisacheese 10
Odious Numbers (Long) themoonisacheese 8
Card Number Validation themoonisacheese 20
Pernicious Numbers (Long) themoonisacheese 8
Pernicious Numbers themoonisacheese 8
Abundant Numbers themoonisacheese 10
Rijndael S-box themoonisacheese 267
Transpose Sentence themoonisacheese 8
Emirp Numbers themoonisacheese 12
Reverse Polish Notation themoonisacheese 16
Quine themoonisacheese 7
Tutorial gigaprofisi 80
Divisors themoonisacheese 5
Fizz Buzz themoonisacheese 13
Partition Numbers themoonisacheese 649
Tongue-twisters themoonisacheese 222
Fizz Buzz RedzGoose 45
12 Days of Christmas themoonisacheese 334
𝑒 themoonisacheese 14
ln 2 themoonisacheese 18
Tongue-twisters dokutan 234
99 Bottles of Beer themoonisacheese 174
Odd Polyomino Tiling HumanoidCPU 21,433
Prime Numbers (Long) themoonisacheese 6
Prime Numbers themoonisacheese 5
Collatz themoonisacheese 25
Fibonacci themoonisacheese 12
Semiprime Numbers plcc0 11
Tutorial RedzGoose 30
Leap Years RedzGoose 28
Highly Composite Numbers plcc0 184
Apéry’s Constant HumanoidCPU 1,005
Partition Numbers HumanoidCPU 649
√2 DialFrost 14
Fibonacci RedzGoose 11
Semiprime Numbers RubenVerg 18
Tutorial themoonisacheese 10
φ themoonisacheese 14
τ themoonisacheese 16
π themoonisacheese 14
√2 themoonisacheese 14
Leap Years plcc0 20
Rule 110 HumanoidCPU 10,102
Leyland Numbers HumanoidCPU 888
Tutorial emgordon154 11
Tutorial GolfingSuccess 10
Tic-tac-toe lyxal 47
Tutorial targrik 28
Tutorial MeWhenI 27
Niven Numbers plcc0 6
Quine plcc0 7
Divisors plcc0 5
Transpose Sentence plcc0 8
Tutorial plcc0 10
Fizz Buzz HumanoidCPU 415
Tutorial HumanoidCPU 27
Levenshtein Distance DialFrost 7
Levenshtein Distance lyxal 7