Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Semiprime Numbers HumanoidCPU 12,794
Kolakoski Constant emgordon154 88
Kolakoski Sequence dokutan 316
N Queens dokutan 1,121
Partition Numbers dokutan 652
Musical Chords tatzyr 3,412
Partition Numbers anter69 58
Tutorial gigaprofisi 135
ISBN HumanoidCPU 92
Arrows emgordon154 105
Reversi tatzyr 190
Gijswijt’s Sequence tatzyr 111
Cubes tatzyr 224
Partition Numbers madex 151
Tutorial chocycat 28
Partition Numbers error256 58
Sphenic Numbers Natanaelel 75
Partition Numbers sean-niemann 🥈 46
Partition Numbers kg583 🥈 46
Partition Numbers emgordon154 🥈 46
Partition Numbers Natanaelel 70
Recamán Andriamanitra 47
Partition Numbers MeWhenI 🥈 46
SI Units tatzyr 717
Fizz Buzz slipperfruit 51
Partition Numbers tatzyr 63
Musical Chords JayXon 💎 83
Star Wars Opening Crawl tatzyr 1,822
Quine JunkIce 26
Apéry’s Constant canissimia 63
Flags MeWhenI 1,593
Highly Composite Numbers MeWhenI 106
Proximity Grid tatzyr 268
Zodiac Signs tatzyr 195
Ten-pin Bowling tatzyr 420
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard tatzyr 267
Sudoku (Fill-in) tatzyr 1,237
Sudoku tatzyr 1,200
QR Decoder tatzyr 176
Reverse Polish Notation tatzyr 60
Polyominoes tatzyr 296
Poker tatzyr 432
N Queens tatzyr 104
Van Eck Sequence olleicua 52
Spelling Numbers tatzyr 393
Time Distance tatzyr 285
Prime Numbers Andriamanitra 40
Reversi olleicua 132
Roman to Arabic olleicua 137
Cubes olleicua 171
Morse Encoder tatzyr 218
Morse Decoder tatzyr 231
Maze tatzyr 310
Game of Life tatzyr 164
Mahjong tatzyr 489
Lucky Tickets tatzyr 139
Zeckendorf Representation tatzyr 97
Repeating Decimals tatzyr 168
Odd Polyomino Tiling HumanoidCPU 21,436
Forsyth–Edwards Notation tatzyr 118
Gray Code Encoder DialFrost 33
𝑒 sean-niemann 🥇 39
Sudoku ovs-code 💎 260
Roman to Arabic ovs-code 🥇 60
Medal Tally ovs-code 🥉 82
Arabic to Roman ovs-code 🥈 88
DFA Simulator ovs-code 110
Emirp Numbers ovs-code 63
Vampire Numbers ovs-code 116
Morse Decoder ovs-code 113
Morse Encoder ovs-code 🥉 122
Time Distance ovs-code 199
Mahjong ovs-code 💎 156
Game of Life ovs-code 85
φ sean-niemann 🥇 35