Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
ROT13 KatieLG 40
ROT13 pardouin 🥇 35
ROT13 aksyristos 41
ROT13 olleicua 65
ROT13 m-tkach 39
ROT13 janlelis 38
ROT13 anter69 38
Factorial Factorisation janlelis 63
Emirp Numbers (Long) janlelis 64
Prime Numbers (Long) janlelis 🥇 33
𝑒 primo-ppcg 42
ROT13 JayXon 38
√2 primo-ppcg 🥇 37
φ primo-ppcg 🥇 37
ROT13 sisyphus-ppcg 🥇 35
Farey Sequence whenaver 61
Factorial Factorisation sisyphus-ppcg 72
Prime Numbers (Long) sisyphus-ppcg 🥇 33
Pangram Grep whenaver 60
𝑒 Fishyfii 1,008
Tongue-twisters tatzyr 204
ROT13 Shanethegamer 38
ROT13 edsrzf 38
ROT13 emgordon154 36
ROT13 ovs-code 🥇 35
ROT13 error256 36
ROT13 Natanaelel 38
Billiards MeWhenI 🥉 105
ROT13 tatzyr 36
ROT13 whenaver 38
Levenshtein Distance tatzyr 52
ROT13 MeWhenI 39
ROT13 radarek 36
π AidanWalter 1,008
Diamonds AidanWalter 432
CSS Colors tatzyr 258
λ tatzyr 120
ROT13 DialFrost 40
ROT13 stefangimmillaro 38
ROT13 GolfingSuccess 36
Pangram Grep tatzyr 41
24 Game stefangimmillaro 236
Factorial Factorisation tatzyr 70
Catalan’s Constant stefangimmillaro 70
Kolakoski Constant stefangimmillaro 59
τ stefangimmillaro 🥉 43
π stefangimmillaro 🥇 42
Day of Week BREMAUCY 53
Catalan Numbers sean-niemann 🥇 32
Kolakoski Constant KatieLG 110
Kolakoski Sequence tatzyr 59
Farey Sequence tatzyr 58
Look and Say tatzyr 56
Kaprekar Numbers tatzyr 108
φ MeWhenI 43
Prime Numbers (Long) MeWhenI 34
Factorial Factorisation MeWhenI 83
Emirp Numbers (Long) MeWhenI 74
Ascending Primes MeWhenI 66
Kolakoski Constant sean-niemann 🥈 55
π whenaver 61
Roman to Arabic tatzyr 94
Zodiac Signs JayXon 🥇 78
Ten-pin Bowling JayXon 🥈 71
Poker JayXon 🥈 128
Musical Chords JayXon 💎 70
ISBN tatzyr 63
Pernicious Numbers tatzyr 49
φ ovs-code 🥇 37
Reverse Polish Notation ovs-code 54
Odious Numbers sean-niemann 29
Evil Numbers sean-niemann 28
24 Game Natanaelel 200
√2 DialFrost 48