Decode a Version-1 QR code given in this ASCII-art format, where all the v and ^ are filled with "#" and spaces, encoding a message.
####### vv^^ ####### # # vv^^ # # # ### # #vv^^ # ### # # ### # vv^^ # ### # # ### # vv^^ # ### # # # vv^^ # # ####### # # # ####### #vv^^ ### #####vv^^## # vv^^vv ^^vv^^vv^^vv^^ vv^^vv#^^vv^^vv^^vv^^ vv^^vv ^^vv^^vv^^vv^^ vv^^vv#^^vv^^vv^^vv^^ #vv^^vv^^vv^^ ####### #vv^^vv^^vv^^ # # #vv^^vv^^vv^^ # ### # #vv^^vv^^vv^^ # ### # vv^^vv^^vv^^ # ### # #vv^^vv^^vv^^ # # #vv^^vv^^vv^^ ####### #vv^^vv^^vv^^
The 10 vertical "strips" of ^^ or vv must be read from right to left. The bits in a strip are stored in a zig-zag order: ^^ zig-zags upwards, and vv zig-zags downwards. The bit on the right always precedes the one on its left.
^^ .. vv 10 ^^ 98 vv 32 ^^ 76 vv 54 ^^ 54 vv 76 ^^ 32 vv 98 ^^ 10 vv ..
To decode a bit off of a strip, read the value from the QR code bitmap ("#" = 1, space = 0) and invert it if (x+y)%2 = 0, where (x, y) are the coordinates of the bit in the bitmap with the origin (0, 0) at the top-left corner.
This will yield a bitstream like:
0100 00010001 01001000 01100101 01101100 ... Enc Length 'H' 'e' 'l' (4) (17) (17-byte ASCII message)
Print the 17 bytes of ASCII stored in the QR code.
External links: Wikipedia