


106 / 106 Holes


55 / 55 Langs


52 / 70 Cheevos


namelessiw solved Morse Decoder in C#
namelessiw solved Reversi in C#
namelessiw solved Gijswijtโ€™s Sequence in C#
namelessiw solved Intersection in C#
namelessiw solved SI Units in C#
namelessiw solved Zeckendorf Representation in C#
namelessiw solved Transpose Sentence in C#
namelessiw solved CSS Colors in C#
namelessiw solved N Queens in C#
namelessiw solved Jacobi Symbol in C#
namelessiw solved Kolakoski Sequence in C#
namelessiw solved Pascalโ€™s Triangle in C#
namelessiw solved Recamรกn in C#
namelessiw solved United States in C#
namelessiw solved Morse Encoder in C#
namelessiw solved Emirp Numbers in C
namelessiw solved brainfuck in C#
namelessiw solved Medal Tally in C#
namelessiw solved ฯ€ in C#
namelessiw solved ฯ„ in C#
namelessiw solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Coconut
namelessiw solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Python
namelessiw solved Divisors in Coconut
namelessiw solved Divisors in Python
namelessiw solved Seven Segment in C#
namelessiw solved 24 Game in C#
namelessiw solved Lucky Numbers in Coconut
namelessiw solved Lucky Numbers in Python
namelessiw solved Lucky Numbers in C#
namelessiw solved Factorial Factorisation in C#
namelessiw solved Farey Sequence in C#
namelessiw solved Leap Years in C#
namelessiw solved QR Decoder in C#
namelessiw solved Forsythโ€“Edwards Notation in C#
namelessiw solved Look and Say in C#
namelessiw solved Leyland Numbers in Python
namelessiw solved Zodiac Signs in C#
namelessiw solved Kolakoski Constant in C#
namelessiw solved Star Wars Opening Crawl in C#
namelessiw solved Ascending Primes in C#
namelessiw solved ฮณ in C#
namelessiw solved Fizz Buzz in TeX
namelessiw solved ฮป in C#
namelessiw solved ๐‘’ in C#
namelessiw earned ๐Ÿฅช Smรถrgรฅsbord
namelessiw solved ln 2 in C#
namelessiw solved Sudoku in C#
namelessiw solved Sudoku v2 in C#
namelessiw solved Smith Numbers in C#
namelessiw solved 99 Bottles of Beer in C#
namelessiw solved Roman to Arabic in C#
namelessiw solved Diamonds in C#
namelessiw solved Inventory Sequence in C#
namelessiw solved Van Eck Sequence in C#
namelessiw solved Mahjong in C#
namelessiw solved Fractions in C#
namelessiw solved Christmas Trees in C#
namelessiw solved Proximity Grid in C#
namelessiw solved ASCII Table in C#
namelessiw solved Vampire Numbers in C#
namelessiw solved Repeating Decimals in C#
namelessiw solved Leyland Numbers in C#
namelessiw solved Rule 110 in C#
namelessiw solved Time Distance in C#
namelessiw solved ISBN in C#
namelessiw earned ๐Ÿฑ Omniglutton
namelessiw solved Cubes in C#
namelessiw solved DFA Simulator in C#
namelessiw solved Hexdump in C#
namelessiw solved Arabic to Roman in C#
namelessiw solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in C#
namelessiw solved Fibonacci in C#
namelessiw solved Fibonacci in Python
namelessiw solved Fibonacci in Coconut
namelessiw solved Catalanโ€™s Constant in C#
namelessiw solved Happy Numbers (Long) in C#
namelessiw solved Number Spiral in C#
namelessiw solved Emirp Numbers in C#
namelessiw solved Spelling Numbers in C#
namelessiw solved Arrows in C#
namelessiw solved Sierpiล„ski Triangle in C#
namelessiw solved Levenshtein Distance in C#
namelessiw solved Rijndael S-box in C#
namelessiw solved Catalan Numbers in C#
namelessiw solved Tongue-twisters in C#
namelessiw solved Lucky Tickets in C#
namelessiw solved Ten-pin Bowling in C#
namelessiw solved 12 Days of Christmas in C#
namelessiw solved ln 2 in Python
namelessiw solved Poker in C#
namelessiw solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in C#
namelessiw solved Abundant Numbers in Coconut
namelessiw solved Abundant Numbers in Python
namelessiw solved Abundant Numbers in C#
namelessiw solved Pascalโ€™s Triangle in Coconut
namelessiw solved Pascalโ€™s Triangle in Python
Yax42 followed namelessiw
namelessiw solved Maze in C#
namelessiw solved Game of Life in C#
namelessiw solved Reverse Polish Notation in C#