Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
λ AdrienHache 279
Spelling Numbers JayXon 💎 308
Star Wars Opening Crawl AdrienHache 🥈 379
SI Units AdrienHache 💎 444
ROT13 Shanethegamer 110
Time Distance AdrienHache 🥈 247
Time Distance JayXon 💎 244
Spelling Numbers AdrienHache 🥈 310
ROT13 MeWhenI 🥉 92
ROT13 Yax42 🥈 91
ROT13 ovs-code 💎 84
ROT13 AdrienHache 93
Fizz Buzz Umbrason 89
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar AdrienHache 107
ROT13 CarsonChr 132
Maze AdrienHache 🥈 133
Sierpiński Triangle KasperKivimaeki 103
ROT13 KasperKivimaeki 114
Time Distance Yax42 258
Diamonds Yax42 145
Lucky Numbers Yax42 119
QR Decoder AdrienHache 189
Zeckendorf Representation AdrienHache 🥈 115
ROT13 namelessiw 99
Musical Chords AdrienHache 194
Musical Chords whenaver 1,136
ROT13 stefangimmillaro 95
Lucky Numbers AdrienHache 117
Rijndael S-box AdrienHache 🥈 152
Levenshtein Distance AdrienHache 214
Medal Tally AdrienHache 204
Van Eck Sequence sean-niemann 90
π AidanWalter 1,024
Lucky Tickets AdrienHache 188
Rijndael S-box AidanWalter 878
Proximity Grid AdrienHache 208
Cubes AdrienHache 💎 189
𝑒 Fishyfii 1,024
Billiards Yax42 345
Forsyth–Edwards Notation Yax42 136
Billiards AdrienHache 💎 206
Seven Segment Yax42 112
24 Game aliakseikalosha 1,597
Fibonacci johnlowerytn 114
Arrows AdrienHache 132
Catalan’s Constant stefangimmillaro 134
Maze Yax42 144
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard Yax42 🥉 211
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard AdrienHache 322
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar BeansMage42 150
Fibonacci BeansMage42 94
Prime Numbers BeansMage42 130
Niven Numbers (Long) BeansMage42 132
Ascending Primes BeansMage42 296
Collatz BeansMage42 144
Diamonds BeansMage42 281
DFA Simulator AdrienHache 🥈 172
Intersection AdrienHache 🥉 164
Forsyth–Edwards Notation AdrienHache 131
CSS Colors aliakseikalosha 1,731
Seven Segment AdrienHache 124
Seven Segment sean-niemann 120
Happy Numbers DialFrost 80
Game of Life AdrienHache 106
Odious Numbers (Long) Yax42 68
Look and Say Yax42 144
Ascending Primes Yax42 116
Medal Tally Yax42 175
N Queens Yax42 236
Smith Numbers Yax42 191
Game of Life Yax42 103
Vampire Numbers Yax42 244
ISBN Yax42 86
Card Number Validation Yax42 87
Repeating Decimals Yax42 348