Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
12 Days of Christmas Timwi 487
Leyland Numbers janbehrens 196
ISBN arcpolaris 155
QR Decoder janbehrens 254
Sudoku (Fill-in) stefangimmillaro 230
Rijndael S-box adamnielson42 803
Fizz Buzz ArmoryNode 87
Christmas Trees Bubblesphere 143
Billiards stefangimmillaro 💎 213
Abundant Numbers (Long) mrondon8 84
Fizz Buzz 208Group17 88
Billiards AdrienHache 🥉 274
Billiards namelessiw 280
Billiards KatieLG 10,762
Billiards sean-niemann 🥈 217
PalindromemordnilaP Yax42 171
Medal Tally Yax42 176
Niven Numbers (Long) Yax42 69
Jacobi Symbol JayXon 💎 138
Rijndael S-box SB-945 804
Fractions JayXon 🥇 113
Card Number Validation tomtheisen 101
Christmas Trees Yax42 153
Day of Week Yax42 🥇 63
Polyominoes Yax42 3,582
Fractions Yax42 139
Kaprekar Numbers Yax42 115
Intersection Yax42 173
Intersection TRexOnGit 224
Cubes TRexOnGit 310
Morse Decoder Yax42 397
Proximity Grid Yax42 572
Smith Numbers Yax42 195
Time Distance TRexOnGit 491
Card Number Validation Yax42 114
Ten-pin Bowling Yax42 322
Hexdump MiffOttah 223
CSS Colors MiffOttah 1,163
Reverse Polish Notation MiffOttah 214
Tongue-twisters MiffOttah 292
Fizz Buzz MiffOttah 96
Odious Numbers MiffOttah 83
ISBN MiffOttah 105
Gijswijt’s Sequence AdrienHache 128
Factorial Factorisation Yax42 122
Evil Numbers TRexOnGit 96
Day of Week TRexOnGit 69
Zeckendorf Representation DialFrost 121
United States Yax42 267
ISBN Yax42 108
24 Game AdrienHache 💎 226
Catalan Numbers Yax42 148
Repeating Decimals Yax42 385
Lucky Tickets AdrienHache 229
Musical Chords stefangimmillaro 186
τ Yax42 187
Rijndael S-box Yax42 238
Number Spiral edsrzf 270
Quine NicknamedTwice 155
Rijndael S-box RaBa21 1,119
Rijndael S-box Quirkly-Quasar 800
Rijndael S-box error256 🥉 161
Farey Sequence Yax42 142
Fibonacci madeforlosers 56
Divisors Fishyfii 90
Fizz Buzz CorriH29 94
Morse Encoder DmytroLynda 411
Collatz madeforlosers 92
Fizz Buzz arcpolaris 99
Sierpiński Triangle Yax42 166
Reverse Polish Notation namelessiw 178
Reverse Polish Notation Yax42 207
brainfuck Yax42 253
Spelling Numbers arcpolaris 420
Maze Yax42 148