AdrienHache ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท



90 / 111 Holes


11 / 60 Langs


41 / 77 Cheevos


AdrienHache solved Reversi in C#
AdrienHache earned ๐Ÿ“ Right On!
AdrienHache solved Cubes in C#
AdrienHache solved Tongue-twisters in C#
AdrienHache solved Star Wars Opening Crawl in C#
AdrienHache solved Zodiac Signs in C#
AdrienHache solved Number Spiral in C#
AdrienHache solved 12 Days of Christmas in C#
AdrienHache solved Smith Numbers in C#
AdrienHache solved Intersection in C#
AdrienHache solved Forsythโ€“Edwards Notation in C#
AdrienHache solved Inventory Sequence in C#
AdrienHache solved Repeating Decimals in C#
AdrienHache solved Fibonacci in C
AdrienHache solved Vampire Numbers in C#
AdrienHache solved Lucky Tickets in C#
AdrienHache solved Fizz Buzz in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Christmas Trees in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Ordinal Numbers in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Transpose Sentence in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Gijswijtโ€™s Sequence in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Zodiac Signs in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Billiards in C#
AdrienHache solved Billiards in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Ascending Primes in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Pangram Grep in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Reverse Polish Notation in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Gijswijtโ€™s Sequence in C#
AdrienHache solved 24 Game in C#
AdrienHache solved Seven Segment in Assembly
AdrienHache earned ๐Ÿช› Assembly Required
AdrienHache solved Forsythโ€“Edwards Notation in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Placeholder in C
AdrienHache solved brainfuck in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Catalan Numbers in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Van Eck Sequence in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Lucky Numbers in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Lucky Tickets in Assembly
AdrienHache earned ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ x86
AdrienHache solved Fibonacci in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Look and Say in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Look and Say in C#
AdrienHache solved Intersection in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Jacobi Symbol in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Jacobi Symbol in C#
AdrienHache solved Zeckendorf Representation in Assembly
AdrienHache solved PalindromemordnilaP in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Zeckendorf Representation in C#
AdrienHache solved Kaprekar Numbers in C#
AdrienHache solved Kaprekar Numbers in Assembly
lyphyser solved Fizz Buzz in Kotlin
lyphyser solved Kaprekar Numbers in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Pernicious Numbers in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Leap Years in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Arithmetic Numbers in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Morse Encoder in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Emirp Numbers in Assembly
lyphyser solved Leap Years in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in Rust
AdrienHache solved Sierpiล„ski Triangle in Assembly
AdrienHache earned ๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ Like, Comment, Subscribe
AdrienHache solved Prime Numbers in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Assembly
AdrienHache earned ๐Ÿ”ฆ Double-slit Experiment
AdrienHache solved Number Spiral in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Leyland Numbers in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Leyland Numbers in C#
AdrienHache solved Card Number Validation in Assembly
lyphyser solved Card Number Validation in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Card Number Validation in C#
AdrienHache solved Fractions in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Factorial Factorisation in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Recamรกn in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Day of Week in Assembly
AdrienHache solved ISBN in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Niven Numbers in Assembly
AdrienHache solved CSS Colors in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Abundant Numbers in Assembly
lyphyser solved PalindromemordnilaP in Assembly
AdrienHache solved PalindromemordnilaP in C#
AdrienHache earned ๐Ÿšข Phileas Fogg
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in Zig
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in Pascal
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in D
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in Crystal
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in BASIC
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in C++
AdrienHache solved Rijndael S-box in C
lyphyser solved Pangram Grep in Assembly
lyphyser solved Fizz Buzz in Scheme
lyphyser solved Niven Numbers in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Happy Numbers in Assembly
AdrienHache earned ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ rm -rf
AdrienHache solved Roman to Arabic in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Cubes in Assembly
AdrienHache solved Rule 110 in Assembly