The Tic-tac-toe hole will go live in approximately . Why not try and solve it ahead of time?

Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Trinomial Triangle HumanoidCPU 2,076
Hexdump edsrzf 💎 207
QR Decoder kg583 🥈 266
Mahjong kg583 💎 357
Quine CaedenHarper 190
Rule 110 HumanoidCPU 15,861
N Queens kg583 💎 157
Proximity Grid edsrzf 💎 265
Sudoku edsrzf 🥈 1,280
Catalan Numbers CaedenHarper 2,881
brainfuck edsrzf 💎 283
Evil Numbers (Long) olleicua 1,959
Evil Numbers olleicua 79
Factorial Factorisation CLOStrophobic 157
Divisors zacjl 🥉 88
Morse Decoder edsrzf 💎 265
Morse Decoder kg583 🥈 298
Star Wars Opening Crawl kg583 💎 543
Lucky Tickets zacjl 💎 152
Lucky Tickets kg583 🥈 159
Fizz Buzz CLOStrophobic 🥈 84
ROT13 CLOStrophobic 🥉 160
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar CLOStrophobic 🥉 129
Fibonacci CLOStrophobic 🥈 50
Rijndael S-box CaedenHarper 777
𝑒 CaedenHarper 1,012
√2 CaedenHarper 1,012
φ CaedenHarper 1,012
τ CaedenHarper 1,012
π CaedenHarper 1,012
λ CaedenHarper 1,012
γ CaedenHarper 1,012
ln 2 CaedenHarper 1,012
Kolakoski Constant CaedenHarper 1,012
Factorial Factorisation CaedenHarper 871
Catalan’s Constant CaedenHarper 1,012
λ kg583 💎 260
Christmas Trees edsrzf 🥈 104
Spelling Numbers edsrzf 💎 114
Arabic to Roman CLOStrophobic 🥇 57
Quine zacjl 🥇 22
Recamán zacjl 💎 90
Van Eck Sequence zacjl 🥈 85
Evil Numbers (Long) JunkIce 1,959
Evil Numbers JunkIce 79
λ JunkIce 1,012
Pernicious Numbers (Long) edsrzf 80
Niven Numbers (Long) edsrzf 💎 90
Fractions zacjl 🥇 85
Kolakoski Sequence zacjl 💎 80
Sierpiński Triangle edsrzf 🥈 89
Inventory Sequence zacjl 💎 94
Tutorial CLOStrophobic 63
24 Game kg583 💎 318
Quine voytxt 169
Recamán edsrzf 🥉 97
Collatz edsrzf 💎 83
Repeating Decimals kg583 💎 241
Catalan’s Constant madeforlosers 1,018
𝑒 madeforlosers 1,018
Catalan Numbers edsrzf 💎 57
Hexagonal Spiral Shanethegamer 1,344
Tutorial CaedenHarper 143
Vampire Numbers kg583 💎 246
Mandelbrot Shanethegamer 10,013
Highly Composite Numbers HumanoidCPU 401
Emirp Numbers (Long) edsrzf 🥉 175
Odd Polyomino Tiling Shanethegamer 21,440
Smith Numbers kg583 🥉 216
CSS Colors edsrzf 💎 789
Quine edsrzf 🥇 22
Rijndael S-box error256 777
Maze kg583 🥈 208
brainfuck kg583 🥈 302
Hilbert Curve Shanethegamer 5,127