The Tic-tac-toe hole will go live in approximately . Why not try and solve it ahead of time?

Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Trinomial Triangle HumanoidCPU 2,073
Zeckendorf Representation snoozingnewt 353
Tic-tac-toe DialFrost 90
Prime Numbers (Long) CaedenHarper 43
Prime Numbers CaedenHarper 42
Fibonacci desecaw13 49
Catalan Numbers CaedenHarper 🥉 2,878
λ JunkIce 1,013
Sierpiński Triangle rboath 127
Roman to Arabic rboath 39
Rijndael S-box CaedenHarper 774
𝑒 CaedenHarper 1,009
√2 CaedenHarper 1,009
φ CaedenHarper 1,009
τ CaedenHarper 1,009
π CaedenHarper 1,009
λ CaedenHarper 1,009
γ CaedenHarper 1,009
ln 2 CaedenHarper 1,009
Kolakoski Constant CaedenHarper 1,009
Factorial Factorisation CaedenHarper 868
Catalan’s Constant CaedenHarper 1,009
Niven Numbers (Long) sean-niemann 54
Prime Numbers (Long) sean-niemann 🥇 29
Prime Numbers sean-niemann 🥇 28
99 Bottles of Beer DialFrost 🥈 232
99 Bottles of Beer ovs-code 💎 222
𝑒 JunkIce 1,013
Pascal’s Triangle CaedenHarper 🥇 36
Roman to Arabic snoozingnewt 39
Hexagonal Spiral Shanethegamer 1,341
Rule 110 Shanethegamer 15,858
Roman to Arabic CaedenHarper 37
Tutorial CaedenHarper 46
Mandelbrot Shanethegamer 10,010
Highly Composite Numbers HumanoidCPU 398
Odd Polyomino Tiling Shanethegamer 21,437
99 Bottles of Beer rboath 🥉 237
United States rboath 🥇 63
Van Eck Sequence rboath 61
Leap Years rboath 41
Van Eck Sequence adgh 58
Hilbert Curve Shanethegamer 5,124
99 Bottles of Beer adgh 239
Leyland Numbers rboath 97
Kolakoski Sequence rboath 58
ROT13 snoozingnewt 59
Ascending Primes rboath 🥉 123
Arithmetic Numbers rboath 53
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar rboath 92
Fizz Buzz rboath 🥇 66
Recamán rboath 69
Apéry’s Constant HumanoidCPU 1,009
Arabic to Roman adgh 🥇 40
Partition Numbers HumanoidCPU 653
Tutorial HumanoidCPU 69
ROT13 ovs-code 💎 52
π AidanWalter 1,013
𝑒 AidanWalter 1,014
𝑒 Fishyfii 1,013
ROT13 DialFrost 🥈 55
ROT13 sean-niemann 🥈 55
Emirp Numbers DialFrost 76
Highly Composite Numbers Shanethegamer 398
Happy Numbers DialFrost 66
Fibonacci Mikey-Beep 64
𝑒 kevinnaviapaiva 189
Abundant Numbers (Long) rboath 54
Abundant Numbers rboath 54
PalindromemordnilaP rboath 🥉 159
Arabic to Roman rboath 🥇 40
√2 madeforlosers 1,013
Farey Sequence rboath 108
Collatz rboath 76
Look and Say rboath 113