Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
N Queens dokutan 1,154
Partition Numbers dokutan 646
Spelling Numbers bitsandbeyond 💎 280
Partition Numbers Msleizak 646
π gigaprofisi 235
𝑒 gigaprofisi 1,004
Tutorial gigaprofisi 162
Niven Numbers (Long) juliansiebert 41
Niven Numbers juliansiebert 41
Intersection juliansiebert 165
Rijndael S-box commandblockguy 795
Polyominoes bitsandbeyond 💎 164
ROT13 juliansiebert 82
Partition Numbers bitsandbeyond 💎 50
Recamán bitsandbeyond 🥇 44
Partition Numbers MeWhenI 🥈 54
Pascal’s Triangle dokutan 692
Ordinal Numbers bitsandbeyond 🥇 56
Fibonacci sean-niemann 28
Day of Week ZakkkkAttackkkk 17
Tic-tac-toe IISResetMe 217
Odd Polyomino Tiling HumanoidCPU 21,432
Hexagonal Spiral HumanoidCPU 1,136
Happy Numbers JunkIce 95
ln 2 DialFrost 44
Morse Encoder bitsandbeyond 💎 125
Partition Numbers DialFrost 🥉 67
Seven Segment bitsandbeyond 💎 86
Prime Numbers acotis 83
Tic-tac-toe JayXon 🥇 63
Tic-tac-toe nwellnhof 🥇 63
Levenshtein Distance bitsandbeyond 💎 130
Emirp Numbers yhm138 1,381
Sudoku bitsandbeyond 💎 283
Tutorial targrik 97
Tutorial xyangst 26
Fizz Buzz ahpooch 🥇 42
Smith Numbers bitsandbeyond 💎 102
12 Days of Christmas ahpooch 572
Fizz Buzz voytxt 51
Fizz Buzz JackieAlacrity2373 224
Vampire Numbers juliansiebert 246
Pernicious Numbers juliansiebert 28
Tic-tac-toe gastropner 92
Tic-tac-toe Feniske 120
Kaprekar Numbers bitsandbeyond 🥈 166
Mandelbrot HumanoidCPU 10,005
PalindromemordnilaP Msleizak 424
Zeckendorf Representation bitsandbeyond 💎 74
Tutorial HumanoidCPU 26
Repeating Decimals Msleizak 368
ROT13 nwellnhof 💎 57
Tutorial Natanaelel 26
Evil Numbers (Long) juliansiebert 🥇 29
Evil Numbers juliansiebert 🥈 28
Pernicious Numbers (Long) juliansiebert 41
Tutorial ovs-code 26
Odious Numbers juliansiebert 🥈 27
Odious Numbers (Long) juliansiebert 🥇 28
Tutorial pardouin 26
Time Distance bitsandbeyond 💎 200
Happy Numbers (Long) bitsandbeyond 💎 53
Tic-tac-toe bitsandbeyond 68
Sudoku Msleizak 2,065
Tutorial sisyphus-ppcg 26
Hilbert Curve HumanoidCPU 5,119
Tic-tac-toe SirBogman 🥉 67
Trinomial Triangle HumanoidCPU 2,068
SI Units bitsandbeyond 💎 423
Tic-tac-toe DialFrost 70
United States MeWhenI 99
Tic-tac-toe MeWhenI 78
Tic-tac-toe Msleizak 554
Prime Numbers (Long) CaedenHarper 124
Prime Numbers CaedenHarper 43