Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
ROT13 Feniske 🥈 103
ROT13 Msleizak 232
Fizz Buzz nullshallot 80
Morse Decoder nullshallot 197
Day of Week nullshallot 🥇 16
ROT13 nullshallot 🥉 111
Tongue-twisters nullshallot 392
ISBN nullshallot 78
𝑒 Fishyfii 1,015
Transpose Sentence nullshallot 65
ROT13 DialFrost 💎 62
Fizz Buzz BSharp2217 91
Billiards nullshallot 🥈 326
Emojify nullshallot 129
π AidanWalter 1,015
12 Days of Christmas 5quiwyrm 2,370
CSS Colors sean-niemann 🥇 67
Leap Years sean-niemann 🥇 26
Prime Numbers klixel 44
Fibonacci whenaver 36
Kaprekar Numbers Msleizak 439
Day of Week USSChris 32
Abundant Numbers USSChris 162
Fibonacci USSChris 48
Fizz Buzz USSChris 151
Emirp Numbers DialFrost 57
Happy Numbers DialFrost 53
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar DialFrost 72
Fizz Buzz DialFrost 🥇 42
United States dokutan 1,195
Day of Week whenaver 🥇 16
𝑒 Shanethegamer 839
√2 Shanethegamer 839
φ Shanethegamer 839
τ Shanethegamer 839
π Shanethegamer 838
λ Shanethegamer 839
γ Shanethegamer 839
ln 2 Shanethegamer 839
Kolakoski Constant Shanethegamer 839
Catalan’s Constant Shanethegamer 839
√2 madeforlosers 1,004
π madeforlosers 1,004
CSS Colors dokutan 138
Fibonacci JayXon 28
Abundant Numbers (Long) 5quiwyrm 49
Smith Numbers juliansiebert 400
Catalan’s Constant 5quiwyrm 1,004
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard dokutan 686
Recamán 5quiwyrm 70
Christmas Trees 5quiwyrm 🥉 51
𝑒 5quiwyrm 1,004
Niven Numbers (Long) 5quiwyrm 42
Fractions 5quiwyrm 80
Emojify dokutan 505
Morse Decoder dokutan 876
Morse Encoder dokutan 1,071
Prime Numbers 5quiwyrm 38
Pangram Grep 5quiwyrm 53
Abundant Numbers 5quiwyrm 50
Leyland Numbers 5quiwyrm 74
Day of Week 5quiwyrm 🥇 16
Prime Numbers (Long) DialFrost 35
99 Bottles of Beer dokutan 383
Rule 110 dokutan 1,956
12 Days of Christmas whenaver 2,381
Repeating Decimals Shanethegamer 120
Kolakoski Sequence 5quiwyrm 54
Day of Week lifthrasiir 🥇 16
Pernicious Numbers 5quiwyrm 50
Leap Years 5quiwyrm 34
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar 5quiwyrm 79
Fizz Buzz 5quiwyrm 51
Divisors 5quiwyrm 🥈 33
Fibonacci 5quiwyrm 28