Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Recamán CLOStrophobic 🥈 87
Semiprime Numbers HumanoidCPU 12,797
Partition Numbers dokutan 655
QR Decoder CLOStrophobic 🥉 283
Star Wars GPT CLOStrophobic 203
Pernicious Numbers (Long) CLOStrophobic 66
24 Game CLOStrophobic 575
Maze CLOStrophobic 🥉 225
Lucky Tickets CLOStrophobic 193
Poker CLOStrophobic 💎 386
𝑒 gigaprofisi 1,016
Tutorial gigaprofisi 176
Medal Tally CLOStrophobic 207
λ commandblockguy 1,017
Arrows kg583 181
Recamán kg583 92
Seven Segment CLOStrophobic 185
Game of Life CLOStrophobic 181
Partition Numbers edsrzf 119
Niven Numbers kg583 68
Reversi kg583 🥈 208
brainfuck kg583 🥈 230
Pernicious Numbers (Long) kg583 🥉 65
Pernicious Numbers kg583 🥇 50
Number Spiral CLOStrophobic 145
Partition Numbers kg583 💎 93
Rule 110 CLOStrophobic 155
Partition Numbers AlephSquirrel 🥈 101
γ CLOStrophobic 🥉 162
Arrows CLOStrophobic 190
CSS Colors CLOStrophobic 🥉 761
Zodiac Signs CLOStrophobic 251
Musical Chords CLOStrophobic 293
Smith Numbers CLOStrophobic 🥈 199
Partition Numbers MeWhenI 655
Star Wars Opening Crawl kg583 💎 381
Poker AlephSquirrel 🥈 399
Emirp Numbers CLOStrophobic 103
Zeckendorf Representation CLOStrophobic 🥈 121
Ten-pin Bowling CLOStrophobic 💎 230
Polyominoes CLOStrophobic 🥈 297
Card Number Validation edsrzf 🥈 122
Quine JunkIce 🥇 26
Rule 110 kg583 🥉 131
Star Wars Opening Crawl CLOStrophobic 🥈 459
Tutorial plcc0 85
Jacobi Symbol CLOStrophobic 240
N Queens kg583 💎 146
Medal Tally kg583 💎 166
Kolakoski Constant zacjl 💎 125
N Queens CLOStrophobic 186
λ CLOStrophobic 🥉 257
Morse Encoder edsrzf 229
Morse Encoder CLOStrophobic 💎 192
N Queens edsrzf 🥈 172
Kolakoski Constant CLOStrophobic 138
Kolakoski Sequence zacjl 🥇 82
Proximity Grid CLOStrophobic 🥈 256
Kolakoski Sequence CLOStrophobic 🥇 82
Sudoku (Fill-in) CLOStrophobic 🥈 403
Sudoku CLOStrophobic 🥈 649
Odd Polyomino Tiling CLOStrophobic 18,081
DFA Simulator CLOStrophobic 🥈 224
Card Number Validation CLOStrophobic 💎 119
Odd Polyomino Tiling HumanoidCPU 21,439
Happy Numbers (Long) kg583 117
Star Wars GPT kg583 200
Card Number Validation varhammer 223
Gijswijt’s Sequence CLOStrophobic 163
Mahjong CLOStrophobic 🥈 446
Catalan’s Constant CLOStrophobic 128
Look and Say CLOStrophobic 🥉 123
Tutorial varhammer 63
Ascending Primes varhammer 290
Ellipse Perimeters varhammer 144