Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
γ CLOStrophobic 🥉 171
Ten-pin Bowling CLOStrophobic 💎 215
QR Decoder CLOStrophobic 🥈 218
Mahjong CLOStrophobic 🥈 267
Kaprekar Numbers CLOStrophobic 172
Gijswijt’s Sequence CLOStrophobic 162
Game of Life CLOStrophobic 183
Catalan’s Constant CLOStrophobic 128
Look and Say CLOStrophobic 🥉 123
Tutorial varhammer 63
Ascending Primes varhammer 290
Ellipse Perimeters varhammer 144
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard edsrzf 304
Musical Chords CLOStrophobic 263
DFA Simulator CLOStrophobic 🥈 198
Arrows CLOStrophobic 187
Diamonds CLOStrophobic 126
ASCII Table CLOStrophobic 138
Star Wars GPT kg583 189
Morse Decoder CLOStrophobic 🥈 174
United States CLOStrophobic 173
Emojify CLOStrophobic 107
Ascending Primes CLOStrophobic 🥉 150
Vampire Numbers CLOStrophobic 🥈 194
12 Days of Christmas CLOStrophobic 💎 226
Vampire Numbers kg583 💎 185
Reverse Polish Notation edsrzf 🥉 134
λ CLOStrophobic 249
Smith Numbers CLOStrophobic 🥈 195
Repeating Decimals CLOStrophobic 🥈 210
12 Days of Christmas edsrzf 321
Levenshtein Distance AlephSquirrel 226
Morse Encoder CLOStrophobic 🥉 242
Sudoku CLOStrophobic 🥉 668
Reverse Polish Notation CLOStrophobic 🥈 133
PalindromemordnilaP CLOStrophobic 💎 108
λ acotis 1,016
Prime Numbers acotis 85
Tongue-twisters edsrzf 327
Christmas Trees DialFrost 103
Tutorial DialFrost 59
ASCII Table DialFrost 144
PalindromemordnilaP AlephSquirrel 🥈 109
Emirp Numbers (Long) AlephSquirrel 🥉 151
Prime Numbers (Long) AlephSquirrel 🥇 56
Lucky Tickets CLOStrophobic 186
Medal Tally CLOStrophobic 197
Rijndael S-box CLOStrophobic 🥈 218
Poker CLOStrophobic 💎 308
Day of Week CLOStrophobic 💎 93
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard CLOStrophobic 266
99 Bottles of Beer CLOStrophobic 💎 189
Inventory Sequence CLOStrophobic 🥉 73
SI Units CLOStrophobic 💎 349
99 Bottles of Beer Shanethegamer 278
Zodiac Signs CLOStrophobic 🥈 206
Tongue-twisters CLOStrophobic 🥈 255
Star Wars Opening Crawl CLOStrophobic 🥈 384
Maze CLOStrophobic 🥉 211
Cubes CLOStrophobic 💎 245
Pascal’s Triangle DialFrost 74
Lucky Numbers kg583 💎 94
Fizz Buzz DialFrost 🥇 77
Fizz Buzz edsrzf 83
Farey Sequence edsrzf 🥉 80
Ordinal Numbers edsrzf 🥉 88
Kaprekar Numbers zacjl 🥉 142
Leyland Numbers edsrzf 105
Leyland Numbers AlephSquirrel 💎 101
Kaprekar Numbers DialFrost 260
SI Units edsrzf 🥈 614
Tutorial targrik 176
Lucky Tickets zacjl 153
Divisors edsrzf 76
Emirp Numbers CLOStrophobic 79