Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Lucky Numbers Jacob385 6,897
Tongue-twisters Jacob385 1,195
Vampire Numbers Jacob385 3,056
N Queens Jacob385 3,856
Sierpiński Triangle Jacob385 1,299
Look and Say Jacob385 2,570
Pascal’s Triangle Jacob385 2,233
Partition Numbers dokutan 🥈 1,421
Tutorial gigaprofisi 650
Partition Numbers Jacob385 🥉 1,812
Partition Numbers MeWhenI 💎 83
Fizz Buzz slipperfruit 90
Quine JunkIce 261
Tutorial targrik 650
Semiprime Numbers Jacob385 35,844
Odd Polyomino Tiling Jacob385 45,265
Tic-tac-toe MeWhenI 🦄 167
Tutorial duckyluuk 234
Tutorial CaedenHarper 234
Fibonacci Maximizer02 91
ROT13 MeWhenI 🦄 77
Tutorial HumanoidCPU 234
Quine rucin93 261
Tutorial GolfingSuccess 234
Tutorial MeWhenI 63
Billiards MeWhenI 🦄 196
Kolakoski Constant madeforlosers 1,657
Tutorial ndren 650
Quine Quirkly-Quasar 330
Quine LostSyntax21 261
Tutorial JunkIce 650
Tutorial Jacob385 79
Leap Years Jacob385 95
Tutorial Shanethegamer 234
Prime Numbers (Long) Jacob385 🥉 98
Hexdump Jacob385 🥈 1,162
Leap Years retrohun 272
Fibonacci retrohun 31
Kaprekar Numbers MeWhenI 💎 311
Kaprekar Numbers Jacob385 🥉 1,213
Kaprekar Numbers KatieLG 1,387
Kaprekar Numbers dokutan 🥈 601
Farey Sequence dokutan 🥈 557
Quine edsrzf 705
Fizz Buzz sciencejiho 222
Fizz Buzz CaedenHarper 76
Quine CaedenHarper 261
Card Number Validation MeWhenI 🦄 186
Kolakoski Sequence Jacob385 6,138
Rijndael S-box KatieLG 2,269
Pascal’s Triangle KatieLG 2,437
Divisors KatieLG 3,781
Niven Numbers (Long) dokutan 🥉 506
Pernicious Numbers (Long) dokutan 🥈 1,010
Leap Years dokutan 349
Fizz Buzz alemelis 112
Quine madeforlosers 261
Fizz Buzz BREMAUCY 692
Fibonacci BREMAUCY 229
PalindromemordnilaP MeWhenI 🦄 157
Quine Jacob385 314
Number Spiral Jacob385 896
Leyland Numbers Jacob385 2,512
Arithmetic Numbers Jacob385 105,052
π Jacob385 2,755
Polyominoes KatieLG-Transpiler 11,791
N Queens KatieLG-Transpiler 🥉 2,525
Look and Say KatieLG-Transpiler 1,938
Leyland Numbers KatieLG-Transpiler 2,032
Fizz Buzz KatieLG-Transpiler 1,128
Factorial Factorisation KatieLG-Transpiler 3,002
Diamonds KatieLG-Transpiler 2,091
Catalan Numbers KatieLG-Transpiler 4,720
Ascending Primes KatieLG-Transpiler 1,458