Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
Quine Quirkly-Quasar 330
Quine NicknamedTwice 261
Leap Years Jacob385 90
Prime Numbers (Long) Jacob385 🥉 92
Hexdump Jacob385 🥈 1,142
Leap Years retrohun 272
Fibonacci retrohun 31
Kaprekar Numbers MeWhenI 💎 179
Kaprekar Numbers Jacob385 🥉 873
Kaprekar Numbers KatieLG 1,387
Kaprekar Numbers dokutan 🥈 430
Farey Sequence dokutan 🥈 557
Quine edsrzf 705
Fizz Buzz sciencejiho 222
Fizz Buzz CaedenHarper 76
Quine CaedenHarper 261
Card Number Validation MeWhenI 🦄 183
Kolakoski Sequence Jacob385 4,139
Rijndael S-box KatieLG 2,269
Pascal’s Triangle KatieLG 2,437
Divisors KatieLG 3,781
Niven Numbers (Long) dokutan 🥉 504
Pernicious Numbers (Long) dokutan 🥈 1,008
Leap Years dokutan 347
Fizz Buzz alemelis 112
Quine madeforlosers 261
Fizz Buzz BREMAUCY 692
Fibonacci BREMAUCY 193
PalindromemordnilaP MeWhenI 🦄 157
Quine Jacob385 314
Leyland Numbers Jacob385 1,811
Arithmetic Numbers Jacob385 73,695
π Jacob385 2,023
Polyominoes KatieLG-Transpiler 11,791
N Queens KatieLG-Transpiler 🥉 2,525
Look and Say KatieLG-Transpiler 1,938
Leyland Numbers KatieLG-Transpiler 2,032
Fizz Buzz KatieLG-Transpiler 1,128
Factorial Factorisation KatieLG-Transpiler 3,002
Diamonds KatieLG-Transpiler 2,091
Catalan Numbers KatieLG-Transpiler 4,720
Ascending Primes KatieLG-Transpiler 1,458
Arithmetic Numbers KatieLG-Transpiler 114,070
Happy Numbers Jacob385 237
Farey Sequence Jacob385 🥉 8,792
Evil Numbers (Long) Jacob385 3,960
Evil Numbers Jacob385 161
Emirp Numbers (Long) Jacob385 2,353
Emirp Numbers Jacob385 295
Diamonds Jacob385 1,870
Cubes Jacob385 6,519
Collatz Jacob385 6,468
Catalan Numbers Jacob385 5,633
Ascending Primes Jacob385 1,091
Abundant Numbers (Long) Jacob385 1,968
Abundant Numbers Jacob385 358
99 Bottles of Beer Jacob385 23,084
12 Days of Christmas Jacob385 4,832
Ordinal Numbers dokutan 814
99 Bottles of Beer dokutan 1,795
Evil Numbers (Long) dokutan 🥉 443
Odious Numbers (Long) dokutan 🥉 443
Christmas Trees dokutan 🥉 752
Collatz dokutan 447
Foo Fizz Buzz Bar dokutan 🥉 827
Fizz Buzz dokutan 503
Abundant Numbers (Long) dokutan 605
Divisors dokutan 503
Spelling Numbers MeWhenI 💎 293
Catalan’s Constant Jacob385 2,023
Factorial Factorisation Jacob385 1,779
Kolakoski Constant Jacob385 2,023
Rijndael S-box Jacob385 1,603
Gijswijt’s Sequence Jacob385 4,139