voytxt (he/him) ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฟ


JavaScript & Gleam


107 / 113 Holes


61 / 61 Langs


64 / 78 Cheevos



voytxt solved Tutorial in Common Lisp
voytxt solved Tutorial in J
voytxt solved Tutorial in PHP
voytxt solved Tutorial in Zig
voytxt solved Tutorial in Java
voytxt solved Tutorial in D
voytxt solved Tutorial in Fortran
voytxt solved Tutorial in C++
voytxt solved Tutorial in C
voytxt solved Tutorial in Go
Shanethegamer solved Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard in Janet
Shanethegamer solved Tutorial in F#
Shanethegamer solved Tutorial in OCaml
Yewzir solved Fizz Buzz in Stax
Yewzir solved Seven Segment in Stax
Shanethegamer solved Hexdump in Gleam
Shanethegamer solved ln 2 in F#
Shanethegamer solved Apรฉryโ€™s Constant in F#
Shanethegamer solved Tutorial in Picat
Shanethegamer solved Tutorial in ALGOL 68
Shanethegamer solved Tutorial in Arturo
voytxt solved Fizz Buzz in C
voytxt solved Quine in Uiua
Yewzir solved Fibonacci in Haxe
Yewzir solved Fibonacci in Hare
Yewzir solved Fibonacci in Hush
Yewzir solved Fibonacci in Picat
voytxt solved Quine in Racket
Yewzir solved Fibonacci in Rebol
Yewzir solved Fibonacci in Rexx
Yewzir solved Tic-tac-toe in Coconut
Yewzir solved Quine in Racket
Shanethegamer solved Tutorial in Scala
Yewzir solved Tic-tac-toe in Python
Shanethegamer solved Tic-tac-toe in Lua
Shanethegamer solved Tic-tac-toe in Dart
Shanethegamer solved Tic-tac-toe in Nim
Shanethegamer solved Tic-tac-toe in Swift
Shanethegamer earned ๐Ÿ‘„ Dammit, Janet!
voytxt solved Tutorial in Python
voytxt solved Tutorial in CoffeeScript
voytxt solved Tutorial in V
voytxt solved Tutorial in Berry
Shanethegamer solved Tutorial in Racket
Shanethegamer solved Tutorial in APL
Shanethegamer solved Tutorial in Uiua
voytxt solved Tutorial in Uiua
Shanethegamer solved Tutorial in CoffeeScript
Yewzir solved Fibonacci in Arturo
Yewzir solved Quine in Groovy
Yewzir solved ฯ† in Groovy
Yewzir solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Groovy
Yewzir solved Roman to Arabic in Groovy
Yewzir solved Fibonacci in Squirrel
Shanethegamer solved 12 Days of Christmas in Rebol
Yewzir solved Fibonacci in Racket
Shanethegamer solved Tutorial in Erlang
Shanethegamer solved Tutorial in Squirrel
Yewzir solved Number Spiral in Groovy
Yewzir solved Christmas Trees in Groovy
Yewzir solved Farey Sequence in Groovy
Yewzir solved Pangram Grep in Groovy
Shanethegamer solved 12 Days of Christmas in Vyxal
Shanethegamer solved 12 Days of Christmas in Uiua
Shanethegamer solved 12 Days of Christmas in Stax
Shanethegamer solved 12 Days of Christmas in Scala
Yewzir solved Catalan Numbers in Groovy
Shanethegamer solved 12 Days of Christmas in Squirrel
Shanethegamer solved 12 Days of Christmas in Racket
Shanethegamer solved 12 Days of Christmas in Picat
Yewzir solved ISBN in Groovy
Shanethegamer solved 12 Days of Christmas in Odin
Shanethegamer solved 12 Days of Christmas in iogii
Shanethegamer solved 12 Days of Christmas in Hy
Shanethegamer solved 12 Days of Christmas in Hush
Shanethegamer solved 12 Days of Christmas in Haxe
Yewzir solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Groovy
Yewzir solved Happy Numbers in Groovy
Yewzir solved Arithmetic Numbers in Groovy
Yewzir solved Collatz in Groovy
Yewzir solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Groovy
Yewzir solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Groovy
Yewzir solved Abundant Numbers in Groovy
Yewzir solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Groovy
Yewzir solved Niven Numbers in Groovy
Yewzir solved Leap Years in Groovy
Yewzir solved Divisors in Groovy
Yewzir solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Groovy
Yewzir solved Fizz Buzz in Groovy
Yewzir solved Pascalโ€™s Triangle in Groovy
Yewzir solved Gijswijtโ€™s Sequence in Groovy
Yewzir solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Groovy
Yewzir solved Odious Numbers in Groovy
Yewzir solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Groovy
Yewzir solved Evil Numbers in Groovy
Yewzir solved Pernicious Numbers in Groovy
Shanethegamer solved 12 Days of Christmas in Hare
Yewzir solved Prime Numbers in Groovy
Yewzir solved Fibonacci in Groovy
Shanethegamer solved 12 Days of Christmas in Groovy