voytxt (he/him) ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฟ


[object Object]


105 / 111 Holes


60 / 60 Langs


63 / 77 Cheevos



Shanethegamer solved Partition Numbers in Zig
Yewzir solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
Shanethegamer solved Pascalโ€™s Triangle in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Arithmetic Numbers in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Prime Numbers in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Prime Numbers (Long) in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Kolakoski Sequence in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Leap Years in Forth
Yewzir solved Niven Numbers in Rockstar 2
Shanethegamer solved Happy Numbers in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Forth
Yewzir solved Prime Numbers in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Ordinal Numbers in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Quine in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved CSS Colors in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Forsythโ€“Edwards Notation in Rockstar 2
Shanethegamer solved Placeholder in Forth
Yewzir solved Abundant Numbers in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Arabic to Roman in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Lucky Tickets in Rockstar 2
voytxt solved Fibonacci in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved 99 Bottles of Beer in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Happy Numbers in Rockstar 2
Shanethegamer solved Abundant Numbers in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Collatz in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Divisors in Forth
Yewzir solved Divisors in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Vampire Numbers in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Fractions in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Time Distance in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved brainfuck in Rockstar 2
Shanethegamer solved Collatz in Civet
Yewzir solved ln 2 in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved ฯ† in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Reversi in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved ฯ€ in Rockstar 2
Shanethegamer solved Pangram Grep in Factor
Yewzir solved โˆš2 in Rockstar 2
Shanethegamer solved Pernicious Numbers in Forth
Yewzir solved ฯ„ in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Leyland Numbers in AWK
Yewzir solved Quine in Go
Yewzir solved ISBN in Java
Yewzir solved ISBN in K
Shanethegamer solved Day of Week in Factor
Yewzir solved Smith Numbers in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved ฮป in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved ฮณ in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Catalanโ€™s Constant in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Kolakoski Constant in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Look and Say in Rockstar 2
Shanethegamer solved Fibonacci in Forth
Shanethegamer solved Niven Numbers in Forth
Yewzir solved Niven Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved ISBN in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Factorial Factorisation in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved ASCII Table in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Foo Fizz Buzz Bar in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Catalan Numbers in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Kaprekar Numbers in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Van Eck Sequence in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Medal Tally in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Pernicious Numbers in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Odious Numbers in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Evil Numbers in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Pernicious Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Number Spiral in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved ๐‘’ in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Diamonds in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Odious Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Evil Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Happy Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Emirp Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Arrows in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Pangram Grep in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Rijndael S-box in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Tongue-twisters in Rockstar 2
Yewzir solved Cubes in Rockstar 2
Shanethegamer solved Look and Say in GolfScript
Shanethegamer solved ln 2 in Factor
Yewzir solved Farey Sequence in Rockstar 2
Shanethegamer solved Kolakoski Constant in Factor
Yewzir solved Abundant Numbers (Long) in Rockstar 2
Shanethegamer solved Catalanโ€™s Constant in Factor
Shanethegamer solved Kolakoski Sequence in Factor
Shanethegamer solved Gijswijtโ€™s Sequence in Factor
Yewzir solved Christmas Trees in Rockstar 2
Shanethegamer solved ๐‘’ in PowerShell
Shanethegamer solved โˆš2 in PowerShell
Shanethegamer solved ฯ† in PowerShell
Shanethegamer solved ฯ„ in PowerShell
Shanethegamer solved ฯ€ in PowerShell
Shanethegamer solved ฮป in PowerShell
Shanethegamer solved ฮณ in PowerShell
Shanethegamer solved ln 2 in PowerShell
Shanethegamer solved Kolakoski Constant in PowerShell
Shanethegamer solved Catalanโ€™s Constant in PowerShell
Yewzir solved Leap Years in Rockstar 2