Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Tutorial gigaprofisi 82
Quine plcc0 10
Odd Polyomino Tiling HumanoidCPU 21,432
Apéry’s Constant HumanoidCPU 1,004
Partition Numbers HumanoidCPU 648
Tutorial emgordon154 23
Reverse Polish Notation plcc0 6
Leyland Numbers HumanoidCPU 887
Tutorial targrik 32
Tutorial MeWhenI 32
√2 plcc0 13
Transpose Sentence plcc0 11
Tutorial plcc0 23
Evil Numbers plcc0 14
Lucky Numbers DialFrost 28
Leap Years plcc0 28
γ sciencejiho 1,016
Fizz Buzz HumanoidCPU 35
Catalan Numbers GolfingSuccess 20
Fibonacci DialFrost 14
Quine DialFrost 8
Pascal’s Triangle emgordon154 24
Reverse Polish Notation emgordon154 6
Tutorial HumanoidCPU 32
Look and Say emgordon154 14
Fibonacci emgordon154 13
Quine emgordon154 8
Fibonacci GolfingSuccess 13
Quine GolfingSuccess 8
Tutorial GolfingSuccess 23
Niven Numbers (Long) emgordon154 21
Niven Numbers emgordon154 19
Transpose Sentence emgordon154 11
12 Days of Christmas Shanethegamer 2,370
Tutorial Shanethegamer 32