Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Partition Numbers Shanethegamer 120
Prime Numbers (Long) Languag3 45
Leap Years Languag3 49
PalindromemordnilaP xnor-gate 87
Fractions HumanoidCPU 124
Minesweeper bricknellj 209
Partition Numbers bizy-coder 85
Evil Numbers andrewjc2000 41
Semiprime Numbers HumanoidCPU 12,801
Pernicious Numbers andrewjc2000 53
Kolakoski Constant emgordon154 96
Partition Numbers jameswmccarty 242
Recamán andrewjc2000 64
Polyominoes bricknellj 226
Recamán gigaprofisi 70
Partition Numbers ComputerKWasTaken 205
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard andrewjc2000 242
Gijswijt’s Sequence andrewjc2000 143
Partition Numbers CaedenHarper 63
Star Wars GPT Shanethegamer 124
Partition Numbers lukegustafson 61
Niven Numbers andrewjc2000 46
Tutorial Stockoh 66
ISBN plcc0 111
Christmas Trees andrewjc2000 105
Game of Life kg583 121
Arithmetic Numbers plcc0 81
Fibonacci Pyroan 38
Niven Numbers (Long) Pyroan 54
Partition Numbers OllieBoyne 121
Card Number Validation RobertHoeh 140
Pernicious Numbers Stockoh 55
Arrows RobertHoeh 197
Number Spiral RobertHoeh 175
Diamonds plcc0 98
Partition Numbers madeforlosers 204
Lucky Numbers CLOStrophobic 61
Partition Numbers aksyristos 264
Factorial Factorisation TobyBoyne 140
Factorial Factorisation tobyLovick 133
Factorial Factorisation IsaacAlexBarden 133
99 Bottles of Beer themoonisacheese 304
Christmas Trees plcc0 74
Evil Numbers (Long) souta-1326 53
Odious Numbers (Long) souta-1326 54
Partition Numbers SB-945 172
Partition Numbers Seek64 🥈 56
Smith Numbers souta-1326 142
Partition Numbers anter69 82
Catalan Numbers Languag3 48
Transpose Sentence andrewjc2000 109
Minesweeper Shanethegamer 147
Divisors andrewjc2000 🥇 57
Odious Numbers andrewjc2000 52
Card Number Validation andrewjc2000 125
Divisors liam824css 1,179
Happy Numbers Pyroan 97
Happy Numbers (Long) Pyroan 99
Van Eck Sequence Pyroan 73
Tutorial gigaprofisi 152
Factorial Factorisation andrewjc2000 218
99 Bottles of Beer Fishyfii 441
Kaprekar Numbers ndren 188
Jacobi Symbol CornerMercury 170
QR Decoder CornerMercury 245
ln 2 gigaprofisi 109
Arrows emgordon154 123
𝑒 gigaprofisi 67
√2 gigaprofisi 68
φ gigaprofisi 74
Polyominoes ndren 622
Kolakoski Constant CornerMercury 116
γ CornerMercury 163
Mahjong ahmetdemirag 386
Transpose Sentence CornerMercury 107