Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Bytes Submitted
Partition Numbers ovs-code 💎 25
Tutorial gigaprofisi 31
Recamán gigaprofisi 1,158
Partition Numbers MeWhenI 656
Fractions 2bular 🥇 32
Partition Numbers dokutan 🥈 618
Set ovs-code 41
Highly Composite Numbers ovs-code 52
Emirp Numbers sean-niemann 🥇 25
Ten-pin Bowling ovs-code 💎 66
Semiprime Numbers ovs-code 27
Prime Numbers acotis 75
Tutorial targrik 73
Ordinal Numbers ovs-code 🥇 33
Snake ovs-code 58
γ sciencejiho 1,010
Snake 2bular 65
Arabic to Roman ovs-code 💎 45
Morse Encoder dokutan 582
Morse Decoder dokutan 471
Apéry’s Constant dokutan 946
Ascending Primes HPWiz 🥇 23
Gijswijt’s Sequence ovs-code 🥇 34
Tutorial csharpython 31
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard dokutan 🥉 534
Sudoku ovs-code 💎 174
Gijswijt’s Sequence zacjl 🥇 34
Tutorial dokutan 30
Tic-tac-toe ovs-code 💎 41
Tutorial psethwick 30
Tic-tac-toe SirBogman 🥉 52
Tic-tac-toe 2bular 🥈 47
Prime Numbers (Long) CaedenHarper 🥇 13
Prime Numbers CaedenHarper 🥇 11
Tutorial voytxt 31
Fibonacci desecaw13 25
Recamán 2bular 💎 29
Minesweeper 2bular 47
Gray Code Encoder 2bular 23
Tutorial Natanaelel 29
Star Wars GPT ovs-code 35
Star Wars GPT 2bular 37
Lucky Numbers 2bular 36
Reverse Polish Notation zacjl 🥉 47
Inventory Sequence Natanaelel 22
Gijswijt’s Sequence 2bular 🥉 35
Game of Life 2bular 🥇 38
99 Bottles of Beer ovs-code 💎 170
Abundant Numbers (Long) 2bular 🥇 25
Abundant Numbers 2bular 🥇 24
Lucky Numbers zacjl 31
Number Spiral LostSyntax21 65
Fractions LostSyntax21 42
Spelling Numbers ovs-code 💎 209
√2 HPWiz 🥈 69
ROT13 zacjl 🥈 23
Tutorial duckyluuk 31
QR Decoder Natanaelel 85
Semiprime Numbers HumanoidCPU 12,788
Sphenic Numbers HumanoidCPU 8,859
Partition Numbers HumanoidCPU 🥉 646
Highly Composite Numbers HumanoidCPU 391
12 Days of Christmas jmerle 2,497
Kolakoski Constant jmerle 1,010
Set GolfingSuccess 41
ROT13 Natanaelel 39
ROT13 SirBogman 24
Emirp Numbers Garklein 29
Apéry’s Constant HumanoidCPU 1,012
Emirp Numbers 2bular 🥇 25
Emirp Numbers (Long) 2bular 🥇 27
Emirp Numbers shadowninja55 27
Emirp Numbers (Long) shadowninja55 28
Fractions Garklein 🥇 32
Fractions shadowninja55 🥇 32