Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
Tutorial Shanethegamer 87
Card Number Validation dokutan 174
Partition Numbers DialFrost 92
Fibonacci snoozingnewt 102
Tutorial targrik 179
Emojify dokutan 181
Roman to Arabic dokutan 243
Tic-tac-toe JayXon 💎 130
United States dokutan 🥈 206
Seven Segment dokutan 218
Fizz Buzz m-tkach 74
Forsyth–Edwards Notation dokutan 230
Arrows dokutan 261
Happy Numbers (Long) dokutan 123
Tutorial dokutan 99
Morse Encoder dokutan 243
Morse Decoder dokutan 🥈 235
ROT13 dokutan 🥉 166
Zeckendorf Representation dokutan 200
Transpose Sentence dokutan 🥈 130
Tutorial CaedenHarper 114
Tic-tac-toe msbranicky 🥉 193
Tic-tac-toe sean-niemann 🥈 147
Hilbert Curve HumanoidCPU 2,063
Trinomial Triangle HumanoidCPU 2,082
Catalan Numbers CaedenHarper 2,887
λ JunkIce 1,018
Rijndael S-box CaedenHarper 783
𝑒 CaedenHarper 1,018
√2 CaedenHarper 1,018
φ CaedenHarper 1,018
τ CaedenHarper 1,018
π CaedenHarper 1,018
λ CaedenHarper 1,018
γ CaedenHarper 1,018
ln 2 CaedenHarper 1,018
Kolakoski Constant CaedenHarper 1,018
Factorial Factorisation CaedenHarper 877
Catalan’s Constant CaedenHarper 1,018
Factorial Factorisation msbranicky 🥉 196
Maze msbranicky 🥉 276
Game of Life msbranicky 🥉 262
Card Number Validation msbranicky 185
Sierpiński Triangle msbranicky 160
Billiards msbranicky 🥉 424
Cubes msbranicky 304
ASCII Table msbranicky 220
12 Days of Christmas msbranicky 492
ASCII Table sean-niemann 🥉 148
Arithmetic Numbers sean-niemann 92
Tongue-twisters sean-niemann 343
Intersection sean-niemann 204
Seven Segment sean-niemann 🥈 174
Recamán sean-niemann 75
Transpose Sentence sean-niemann 143
Ordinal Numbers sean-niemann 🥉 130
Arabic to Roman sean-niemann 🥈 210
Billiards sean-niemann 🥈 257
Billiards MostParsingVex 💎 256
PalindromemordnilaP sean-niemann 🥇 118
Polyominoes ovs-code 💎 197
𝑒 madeforlosers 1,018
Tutorial emgordon154 112
Hexagonal Spiral Shanethegamer 1,350
Farey Sequence sean-niemann 🥈 90
τ sean-niemann 💎 126
π sean-niemann 💎 126
ROT13 JayXon 💎 118
Highly Composite Numbers HumanoidCPU 407
Odd Polyomino Tiling Shanethegamer 21,446
Hilbert Curve Shanethegamer 2,063
Apéry’s Constant HumanoidCPU 1,018
ROT13 msbranicky 171
Look and Say msbranicky 178
ROT13 MeWhenI 🥈 129