Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
12 Days of Christmas HumanoidCPU 2,377
Partition Numbers KatieLG 755
𝑒 gigaprofisi 1,024
Cubes HumanoidCPU 2,835
Tutorial gigaprofisi 135
Quine JunkIce 171
Odd Polyomino Tiling HumanoidCPU 21,439
Divisors not-a-pokemon 90
Apéry’s Constant HumanoidCPU 1,011
Partition Numbers HumanoidCPU 655
Rule 110 HumanoidCPU 10,108
Leyland Numbers HumanoidCPU 894
Fibonacci DialFrost 55
Tutorial targrik 80
Tongue-twisters dokutan 532
Fizz Buzz HumanoidCPU 421
Quine DialFrost 89
Tutorial HumanoidCPU 82
Tutorial GolfingSuccess 66
12 Days of Christmas Shanethegamer 2,377
Tutorial Shanethegamer 74
Fibonacci dokutan 51
CSS Colors dokutan 2,594