Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
Medal Tally sean-niemann 🥉 142
ROT13 MeWhenI 122
ROT13 ovs-code 🥈 80
ROT13 rucin93 🥉 83
ROT13 JayXon 💎 76
Prime Numbers ovs-code 39
Pernicious Numbers ovs-code 39
Medal Tally rucin93 177
QR Decoder rucin93 196
Farey Sequence rucin93 63
ASCII Table rucin93 146
Ascending Primes rucin93 68
Emirp Numbers rucin93 66
Pernicious Numbers voytxt 47
Pernicious Numbers Shanethegamer 113
Recamán emgordon154 62
Pernicious Numbers Yewzir 38
QR Decoder MeWhenI 172
ASCII Table MeWhenI 154
99 Bottles of Beer MeWhenI 254
ROT13 Shanethegamer 109
Jacobi Symbol rucin93 126
ROT13 DialFrost 101
π AidanWalter 1,016
𝑒 Fishyfii 1,016
Fizz Buzz AidanWalter 235
Polyominoes rucin93 🥉 202
γ rucin93 87
24 Game sean-niemann 🥈 123
Polyominoes sean-niemann 💎 112
N Queens rucin93 🥉 97
Spelling Numbers rucin93 319
Number Spiral rucin93 121
Factorial Factorisation rucin93 102
Seven Segment sean-niemann 🥇 83
Happy Numbers (Long) dokutan 85
Happy Numbers dokutan 84
Gijswijt’s Sequence JayXon 🥇 60
Look and Say lukegustafson 🥇 53
Transpose Sentence sean-niemann 77
Collatz Shanethegamer 60
Divisors kevinnaviapaiva 94
√2 madeforlosers 1,017
φ madeforlosers 1,016
𝑒 rucin93 54
Card Number Validation rucin93 71
τ madeforlosers 1,016
Spelling Numbers Shanethegamer 318
λ madeforlosers 1,016
γ madeforlosers 1,016
Kolakoski Constant sean-niemann 🥈 67
Inventory Sequence sean-niemann 53
Roman to Arabic emgordon154 156
Sierpiński Triangle rucin93 61
N Queens MostParsingVex 138
Van Eck Sequence JayXon 💎 40
𝑒 5quiwyrm 1,016
Fibonacci whenaver 45
Morse Decoder dokutan 936
π madeforlosers 1,016
Billiards sean-niemann 🥈 154
Levenshtein Distance dokutan 164
Inventory Sequence rucin93 53
Diamonds Shanethegamer 1,116
Kolakoski Constant madeforlosers 1,016
Quine lifthrasiir 37
Sierpiński Triangle kurkale6ka 406
Billiards ovs-code 🥉 155
Billiards emgordon154 175
Billiards KatieLG 13,428
Billiards pardouin 💎 102
Fizz Buzz scpchicken 74
N Queens emgordon154 167
Gijswijt’s Sequence emgordon154 99
Rock-paper-scissors-Spock-lizard ovs-code 176