Recent Solutions

Hole Golfer Chars Submitted
99 Bottles of Beer HumanoidCPU 305
Christmas Trees HumanoidCPU 85
Smith Numbers HumanoidCPU 139
Niven Numbers HumanoidCPU 61
Niven Numbers (Long) HumanoidCPU 62
Quine roupiq 32
Leyland Numbers HumanoidCPU 898
Ordinal Numbers HumanoidCPU 106
Collatz HumanoidCPU 65
Leap Years HumanoidCPU 53
Prime Numbers (Long) HumanoidCPU 65
Forsyth–Edwards Notation dokutan 142
United States dokutan 155
Prime Numbers HumanoidCPU 60
Divisors HumanoidCPU 67
Morse Encoder Jacob385 197
brainfuck HumanoidCPU 215
π aalec 1,011
Van Eck Sequence HumanoidCPU 512
Diamonds HumanoidCPU 158
Kolakoski Sequence Jacob385 69
Number Spiral Jacob385 181
Pangram Grep HumanoidCPU 87
Quine Herbert00709 32
Emojify dokutan 147
Proximity Grid ovs-code 154
Spelling Numbers HumanoidCPU 402
Number Spiral HumanoidCPU 312
Tongue-twisters HumanoidCPU 535
φ HumanoidCPU 385
Roman to Arabic 4atj 87
Fractions 4atj 86
United States Lydxn 🥈 79
Recamán HumanoidCPU 909
ASCII Table Jacob385 167
Pernicious Numbers (Long) Jacob385 71
Rijndael S-box Jacob385 415
Kolakoski Sequence dokutan 237
Arabic to Roman duckyluuk 167
Roman to Arabic duckyluuk 88
Niven Numbers (Long) Jacob385 61
Niven Numbers Jacob385 60
Factorial Factorisation kg583 73
Fibonacci HumanoidCPU 40
Cubes HumanoidCPU 2,839
Factorial Factorisation MeWhenI 132
Catalan Numbers HumanoidCPU 2,884
Catalan’s Constant Jacob385 386
Kolakoski Constant Jacob385 386
ln 2 Jacob385 386
λ Jacob385 386
τ Jacob385 386
φ Jacob385 386
√2 Jacob385 386
𝑒 Jacob385 386
Diamonds dokutan 116
Cubes dokutan 147
Tongue-twisters namelessiw 180
Lucky Numbers dokutan 1,028
Rijndael S-box dokutan 313